Star Citizen Alpha Patch 4.0.2
Alpha Patch 4.0.2 has been released onto the PTU environment! Launcher should now show: VERSION 4.0.2-PTU.9589006.
Characters in this new environment have been built from Long Term Persistence(LTP) data.
Currently with LTP, certain player states such as personal hangar layout, custom characters, and in-game purchased consumables are not saved between releases which will cause some items to be lost in the next update.
Server Info: PTU Channel
Audience: All Backers
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Mesh Configuration: 5:5:600
Hangar Spawning: Disabled
Starting aUEC: 15,000,000
Testing/Feedback Focus
4.0.2 Release Goals
The 4.0.2 release is highly focused on 3 key points to improve and fix as many top key gameplay issues as possible, improve connectivity/stability, and begin the latest Supply or Die Event.
- Stability, Performance, and Bugfix Testing
- Supply or Die Event
Tonight’s build has further updates to transit self healing code to help reduce further issues with transit getting stuck and not responding.
4.0.2 has many exploit fixes as well that have been included. Due to the nature of these, we don’t mention which are fixed.
Known Issues
- Supply Or Die: Detatrine cargo that has already been destroyed will blow up again when you Quantum Travel, causing damage to your ship and other undamaged cargo. (Workaround: Remove dead cargo from ship before QT)
- Critical: PU – Transit – Entity carriage is stuck in transit to a gateway, but never arrives which renders the gateway unusable
- Critical: PU – ASOP / Ship / Cargo – Upon the Ship auto storing through leaving game or leaving hangar; on initial retrieval the Cargo disappears and Cargo Grid is locked from being used
- Critical: PU – Missions / UI – NPE – The Mission markers are missing from the Tutorial Missions and blocking progression
- Critical: Mission Refactor – Comm Array Repair – Contract in mobiGlas becomes hidden when another player enters mission location
- Critical: Mission Refactor – PVP Missions dont work
- Critical: PU – Star Map – Party Members do not appear on the star map or area map
- High: PU – Pyro – Jump Points – Locations / Spacescaping – Asteroids that surround the Stanton Gateway can be seen inside the Jump Tunnel and occasionally can cause fatal collisions when exiting the Jump Tunnel
- High: PU – Pyro – Jump Point – Failing a Jump point will displace the player far away from the gateway station
- Fixed a Client Crash