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Star Citizen | Alpha 3.24.2 Patch Watch – Fuel, Faces, and Face-Lifts

Alongside marquee features like the RSI Zeus and updates to vehicle MFDs and power management, Alpha 3.24.2 brings additional updates across the game, from characters to Arena Commander! Character Creator Updates Are you like us and spend several hours perfecting your character’s look before you… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.24.2 Patch Watch – Fuel, Faces, and Face-Lifts

Star Citizen | Reduced Overall Hull and Thruster Health for the Hornet Series Ships

In this post, we indicate the differences between the LIVE and PTU versions regarding the Reduced Overall Hull and Thruster Health for the Hornet Series Ships. Patch 3.24.2. 9357571 Index ANVL Hornet Differences in /Vehicle[@name=’ANVL_Hornet’]/Damages/DamageMultipliers/DamageMultiplier[@name=’modDamageMultiplier_melee’]:Attribute ‘damageType’ value difference: LIVE = ‘melee’, PTU = ‘bullet’Attribute ‘multiplier’ value… Read More »Star Citizen | Reduced Overall Hull and Thruster Health for the Hornet Series Ships

Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1 PTU.9318488 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.1 Alpha Patch 3.24.1 has been released to PTU, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.1-PTU.9318488. Audience: All BackersServer Info: PTU Channel – US/EULong Term Persistence: EnabledReplication Layer: EnabledServer Recovery: EnabledStarting aUEC: 15,000,000Starting  REC: 10,000,000 Characters in this new environment have… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1 PTU.9318488 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1-PTU.9315193 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.1 Alpha Patch 3.24.1 has been released to PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.1-PTU.9315193. Audience: All BackersServer Info: PTU Channel – US/EULong Term Persistence: EnabledReplication Layer: EnabledServer Recovery: EnabledStarting aUEC: 15,000,000Starting REC: 10,000,000 Characters… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.1-PTU.9315193 Patch Notes

This Week in Star Citizen 36/2024

Hello everyone, xē’suelen nyahyan We recently released Star Citizen Alpha 3.24: Cargo Empires to the live servers, alongside a series of hotfixes (with more fixes to come). This patch includes a wealth of updates to the ‘verse for cargo haulers and citizens everywhere, including freight elevators, persistent hangars, and all-new… Read More »This Week in Star Citizen 36/2024

Star Citizen Alpha 3.24.0 LIVE 9296942-9301716 HOTFIX

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.24.0 Hotfix Alpha Patch 3.24.0 has been released onto the LIVE servers, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.24.0-LIVE.9296942. Long Term Persistence: EnabledReplication Layer: EnabledServer Recovery: Enabled Bug Fixes Technical

Star Citizen | Mirai Pulse

This page will be constantly updated! MIRAI THE FUTURE OF PERFORMANCE Your unfair advantage arrives May 24, 2024 Manufacturer Mirai The Mirai design team is dedicated to pairing the craftsmanship of their parent company MISC with Xi’an technology and traditional Saisei aesthetics to create the… Read More »Star Citizen | Mirai Pulse

[Evocati EPTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9128215-9129117 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-EPTU.9128215-9129117. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start… Read More »[Evocati EPTU] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9128215-9129117 Patch Notes

[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9125941 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test!   Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-EPTU.9125941-9126995. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start… Read More »[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 EPTU.9125941 Patch Notes

[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9117019 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Alpha Patch 3.23.0 9117019-9118978 Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-PTU.9117019-9118978. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start… Read More »[Evocati Playtest] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9117019 Patch Notes

[Evocati] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9089017-9093066 Stability Playtest

Star Citizen Patch 3.23.0 Stability Playtest – ENDED Alpha Patch 3.23.0 has been released to Evocati, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.23.0-PTU.9089017-9093066. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly… Read More »[Evocati] Star Citizen Alpha 3.23.0 PTU.9089017-9093066 Stability Playtest

Star Citizen Alpha 3.22.1 EPTU.9045386 Patch Notes

Star Citizen Patch 3.22.1 Recommendations Important Information Issue Council and Testing Patch Details Testing Focus Known Issues Feature Updates Gameplay Bug Fixes Technical Arena Commander 3.22.1 Patch Notes AC Game Mode Updates AC Ship Updates AC System & Balance AC General Updates

Star Citizen | CitizenCon 2953 Part One

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen CitizenCon Part One Chris Roberts on stage. SHAPING THE ‘VERSE – THE FUTURE OF STARENGINE FIX IT & FLY IT TALKING SHIP 2953 NAVIGATING THE UNIVERSE

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.21 8728532 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.21.0. 8728532 Data Heist DataHeist_ServerName_001,P=S-594DataHeist_ServerName_002,P=S-667DataHeist_ServerName_003,P=S-317DataHeist_ServerName_004,P=S-694DataHeist_ServerName_005,P=S-817DataHeist_ServerName_006,P=S-156DataHeist_ServerName_007,P=S-756DataHeist_ServerName_008,P=S-944DataHeist_ServerName_009,P=S-445DataHeist_ServerRackName_001,P=SR-ADataHeist_ServerRackName_002,P=SR-BDataHeist_ServerRackName_003,P=SR-CDataHeist_ServerRackName_004,P=SR-DDataHeist_ServerRackName_005,P=SR-EDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Disable,P=DisableDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Disabled,P=Cooling DisabledDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Enable,P=EnableDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Enabled,P=Cooling EnabledDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Status_Off,P=Cooling Status: OffDataHeist_SvR_Cooling_Status_On,P=Cooling Status: OnDataHeist_SvR_DataTransfer,P=Data TransferDataHeist_SvR_Temperature,P=TemperatureDataHeist_SvR_Terminal_TopInfo,P=Server Cluster Systems PU_DATAHEISTSV01_F_AttentionServerOffline=Attention. Server Offline.PU_DATAHEISTSV01_F_WarningServerOverheating=Warning. Server Overheating. Attention RequiredPU_DATAHEISTSV01_F_WarningServerTemperature=Warning. Server Temperature Critical. Data Loss Imminent.PU_DATAHEISTSV01_M_WarningSecurityBreach=Warning. Security Breach.… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.21 8728532 Data Mining

Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.0a LIVE.8717119-8719336 Client/Server Hotfix

A hotfix for Alpha Patch 3.20.0b has been released and is now available on the LIVE environment! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.20.0-LIVE.8717119 with hotfixed servers showing 8717119-8717336. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.20.0a LIVE.8717119-8719336 Client/Server Hotfix

Star Citizen | MISC Fury LX

This page will be constantly updated! Manufacturer Mirai The Mirai design team is dedicated to pairing the craftsmanship of their parent company MISC with Xi’an technology and traditional Saisei aesthetics to create the next generation of cutting-edge vehicles. MISC Fury LX Featuring best-in-class maneuverability and… Read More »Star Citizen | MISC Fury LX

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8686278 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.20.0. 8686278 Dynamic Event DynamicEvent_FleetWeek2022_TransferTerminal_keypadtitle=Disable Upload Hacking F_Ind_FullyCharged,P=Fully ChargedF_Ind_HackingFluff,P=namespace Hacking\n{\n //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n bool CHackingAbilityLineShift::CanActivate()\n {\n const CHackingGameboard& gameboard = m_hackingSession.GetGameboard();\n if (m_owner.GetSpareNodeId() == INVALID_NODE_ID || gameboard.IsNodeRotating(m_owner.GetSpareNodeId()) || !gameboard.CanShiftLine(m_targetLine, m_shiftDir, m_params.chargeUpTime))\n… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8686278 Data Mining

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8671107 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.20.0. 8671107 Mining @hud_mining_modifier_cluster_factor=Cluster Factor (~ItemModifierMethod(value)%) Destroy Evidence Mission DestroyEvidence_MissionFail_LostEvidence=The evidence was not destroyed.DestroyEvidence_MissionSuccess=The evidence was destroyed.DestroyEvidence_desc=~mission(Contractor|DestroyEvidenceDescription)DestroyEvidence_from=~mission(Contractor|DestroyEvidenceFrom)DestroyEvidence_obj_long_01=Destroy evidence that is currently stored at ~mission(location|address).DestroyEvidence_obj_marker_01=Destroy EvidenceDestroyEvidence_obj_short_01=Destroy EvidenceDestroyEvidence_title=~mission(Contractor|DestroyEvidenceTitle) Surnames Human_Surnames_5104=Maltby Items… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.20 8671107 Data Mining

Star Citizen | RSI Lynx

RSI designed the Lynx Rover to be a vehicle capable of exploring a wide variety of terrains while still delivering a top-rated and finely tuned driving experience. Status: Fly ReadyManufacturer: RSIFocus: Exploration ROLE: TransporterCAREER: GroundSIZE: S3CREW SIZE: 2INVENTORY CAPACITY: Missing! BODY: 11 000 hpTOTAL: 20 900 hpDIMENSIONS: 5.7 x 7.75 x 3.5 mMASS: 10… Read More »Star Citizen | RSI Lynx

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8474365 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.19.0. 8474365 Paints item_DescAvenger_Paint_Fleetweek_Black_Chrome=The Ironweave livery gives the Avenger a black hull with chrome highlights.item_DescAvenger_Paint_Fleetweek_Grey_Beige_Tigerstripe=Give the Avenger an utterly unique look with the Shroud livery, featuring a light grey… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8474365 Data Mining

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8467657 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.19.0. 8458571 to 8467657 Invictus Invictus_Dates_2023=May 19th – May 26thInvictus_Expo=Bevic Center, Area18, ArcCorpInvictus_Expo_Location=Bevic Center, Area18, ArcCorp Tutorial Tut02_Hint06_Helmet=To survive in the vacuum of space and other harsh environments, be… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8467657 Data Mining

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8451869 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.19.0. 8451869 DFM UI dfm_ui_PortsUnlocked=[PH] Ship Ports Unlocked Mining HUD hud_mining_stats_cluster_factor=[PH] Clusteringhud_mining_stats_extraction_damage=[PH] Extract PWRhud_mining_stats_filter_percentage=[PH] Filteringhud_mining_stats_fracture_damage=[PH] Fracture PWRhud_mining_stats_head=[PH] Headhud_mining_stats_optimal_rate=[PH] Optimal Ratehud_mining_stats_overcharge_rate=[PH] Overch. Ratehud_mining_stats_shatter_damage=[PH] Shatter DMGhud_mining_stats_window_size=[PH] Window Size

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8447572 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.19.0. 8447572 Temporary value @hud_mining_modifier_cluster_factor=Cluster Factor (~ItemModifierMethod(value)%) Adagio Holdings Reputation Adagio_BasicSalvage_Desc_01=Attention:\n\nRights to a new Salvage Claim are available for purchase. Exclusive access to the ship’s verified coordinates in monitored… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.19 8447572 Data Mining

Star Citizen Alpha 3.19 Leaks

In this post we summarize all the leaks, photos, videos and patch notes of Star Citizen Patch 3.19. Last Update: 11/05/2023 20:00 UTC Index: Locations Lorville Cityscape Gameplay Mining Balance New Player Experience New Missions – Salvage Contracts New Missions – Ghost Hollow PVP Mission Tractor Beam – Attach and Detach Ships and Vehicles… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.19 Leaks

Star Citizen RSI Launcher 1.6.5 Release Notes

Today we’re releasing the RSI Launcher 1.6.5. This is a hot fix version in order to correct an issue related to analytics data.    FIXED: If you find any bugs on that RSI launcher 1.6.5. There is a category in Issue Council called “RSI Launcher 1.6.5”.

Star Citizen RSI Launcher 1.6.2 Release Notes

Today we’re giving you access to the updated version of the RSI Launcher 1.6.2 that contains the following changes:   NEW:   FIXED:   If you experiment any unexpected behavior please create an issue through issue council using the category 1.6.2: [LINUX USERS]While we don’t officially support Linux… Read More »Star Citizen RSI Launcher 1.6.2 Release Notes

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.5 EPTU.8336193 Patch Notes/Siege of Orison Playtest

Alpha Patch 3.17.5 has been released to the Experimental PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.17.5-EPTU.8336193. It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.5 EPTU.8336193 Patch Notes/Siege of Orison Playtest

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.18 Patch Watch | We Are Back In Town!

After detailing the upcoming balance adjustments and quality-of-life improvements based on your feedback, we’re back with the third edition of Alpha 3.18 Patch Watch. Let’s get started! Jumptown v2.1 What started as emergent gameplay before being implemented as a Dynamic Event is now in its third iteration. After evaluating… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.18 Patch Watch | We Are Back In Town!

Tobii x Star Citizen

MADE POSSIBLE WITH THE TOBII EYE TRACKER 5 Gaze-based target selection Easily tag enemy ships by looking at them, allowing you to focus on the complete annihilation of your space foes and dominating dog fights. Stunning immersion, unparalleled experiences unlocked with the Tobii Eye Tracker… Read More »Tobii x Star Citizen

Star Citizen | RSI Galaxy

Brand new large ship from RSI: the Galaxy. Manufacturer: RSIFocus: ModularFeaturing a fully modular design and an onboard hangar capable of deploying small ships, the cutting-edge Galaxy has versatility built into its DNA with a highly configurable main cabin that can be outfitted with comprehensive… Read More »Star Citizen | RSI Galaxy

Star Citizen Alpha 3.18 Leaks

In this post we summarize all the leaks, photos, videos and patch notes of Star Citizen Patch 3.18. Last Update: 01/12/2022 Ore 21:00 UTC Index: Locations Daymar Crash Site New Rivers in Stanton Sand Cave Archetype Greycat PTV Race Track Race Track Gameplay Cargo System Refactor Arena Commander: Classic Race Mode Overhaul Sandbox Prison… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.18 Leaks

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2 Patch Watch | Networking Improvements, Mission Box Added to Mustang and more

Welcome, everyone, to the first 3.17.2 Patch Watch! As with previous Patch Watches, we don’t want to miss the opportunity to spotlight some of the upcoming fixes and improvements that aren’t on the Public Roadmap. Actor Downstream Networking ImprovementsAlpha 3.17.2 adds improvements to actor downstream… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.2 Patch Watch | Networking Improvements, Mission Box Added to Mustang and more

Star Citizen | Banu Merchantman – Greybox – Wip

The Banu traders are renowned for their merchant prowess, traveling the spacelanes and trading with everyone from humans to the Vanduul! Their sturdy, dedicated trading ships are prized beyond all other transports, sometimes passing from generation to generation of Banu.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 Patch Watch | Quantum, Cluster Missiles & More

Following our first Alpha 3.17 Patch Watch last week, we’re following up with more details of features you’ll experience in the ‘verse soon. Turret Stagger ReworkPreviously, all weapons would stagger by weapon group, with the lower RPM weapon setting the stagger rate. Now, weapons will stagger… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.17 Patch Watch | Quantum, Cluster Missiles & More

Star Citizen | Banu Merchantman Interior – Wip

The Banu traders are renowned for their merchant prowess, traveling the spacelanes and trading with everyone from humans to the Vanduul! Their sturdy, dedicated trading ships are prized beyond all other transports, sometimes passing from generation to generation of Banu.

This Week in Star Citizen 4/2022

Happy Monday, everyone! Last week provided a peek behind Star Citizen’s development curtain with the November/December PU and Squadron 42 Monthly Reports. The Squadron 42 report was also published via newsletter, and we’ll also share it as a Comm-link later this week. Alpha 3.16.1 is currently available for… Read More »This Week in Star Citizen 4/2022

Star Citizen | Banu Merchantman Concept Images II

I Banu traders are renowned for their merchant prowess, traveling the spacelanes and trading with everyone from humans to the Vanduul! Their sturdy, dedicated trading ships are prized beyond all other transports, sometimes passing from generation to generation of Banu.

Star Citizen | Banu Merchantman Concept Images

Banu traders are renowned for their merchant prowess, traveling the spacelanes and trading with everyone from humans to the Vanduul! Their sturdy, dedicated trading ships are prized beyond all other transports, sometimes passing from generation to generation of Banu.

Star Citizen | RSI Launcher 1.5.3 Release Notes

Hello, Everyone! Today we’re deploying a tiny update to the RSI Launcher that contains the following fix:  FIXED: Fixed an issue that would sometimes result in a JavaScript error when updating the RSI Launcher. 11-04 – Additional minor bug fixes. 11-16 – EAC Compatibility Updates.

Star Citizen | ORIGIN 400i

OFFENSE Bespoke twin missile racks and Klaus & Werner laser repeaters deter the most determined attackers, hitting hard when needed. CAPACITY 42 SCU of cargo space keeps unwanted stops to an absolute minimum. DEFENSE A powerful shield generator preserves the hull in any combat situation, ensuring absolute peace-of-mind. X1 BIKE BAY… Read More »Star Citizen | ORIGIN 400i

This Week in Star Citizen 38/2021

Happy Monday, everyone! Every year, Ship Showdown challenges the community to champion their favorite vehicle. With more than 100 flyable ships in the ‘verse, there’s no shortage of passionate opinions! After thousands of creative submissions (screenshots, videos, Lego™ miniatures, original songs, 3D models, and more),… Read More »This Week in Star Citizen 38/2021

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.14 Patch Watch | Thrusters Tuning, Ships, and a Power Triangle Update

Following last week’s Alpha 3.14 Patch Watch on Initial Shield & Weapon Balancing, we’re following up with another insight into the ongoing balancing process. Please keep in mind that this is just the first step in wider combat balancing. The aim is to achieve a workable,… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.14 Patch Watch | Thrusters Tuning, Ships, and a Power Triangle Update

Star Citizen Alpha 3.14.0 | Patch Watch | Initial Shields & Weapons Balance

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first Alpha 3.14 Patch Watch, where you’ll get an in-depth look at the upcoming first balance pass to ship shields and weapons. With the introduction of Capacitor Gameplay/Energy Management v2 and Missile Operator Mode, the team took the opportunity to review and rebalance… Read More »Star Citizen Alpha 3.14.0 | Patch Watch | Initial Shields & Weapons Balance

Star Citizen | The Railen

Gatac’s first foray into the human market, the Railen is an elegant interspecies vessel perfect for any Human or Xi’an pilot looking for a safe, reliable solution for commercial-grade medium cargo hauling. Utilizing patented grav-lev technology, and time-tested designs updated for 2951 and beyond, the… Read More »Star Citizen | The Railen

Star Citizen | Orison Hospital

Star Citizen with Patch 3.14 will release Orison. Orison is a city located in the clouds of Crusader. It is built upon a military-constructed latticework of inhabitable floating platforms which Crusader Industries uses to manufacture their large-scale ships. The shipyards themselves are famously beautiful and have made Orison a… Read More »Star Citizen | Orison Hospital

Star Citizen | Alpha 3.13 Patch Watch | New Cave Missions

After last week’s 3.13 Patch Watch on the MedPen update and additional character customization options, we’re following up with another feature announcement for the upcoming build. To make the most of the all-new cave entrances (including sinkholes and vehicle-accessible openings), Alpha 3.13 introduces three new FPS… Read More »Star Citizen | Alpha 3.13 Patch Watch | New Cave Missions