Hi everyone,
Following up on yesterday’s Alpha 3.20 Patch Watch, we’re back with more upcoming additions to look forward to in the upcoming patch. As we mentioned yesterday, we’re currently amidst a global push to seek out and implement a variety of quality-of-life fixes and changes. This is part of an ongoing effort to improve the greater gameplay experience, and we expect to provide many more similar updates in the patches ahead, and we’ll share more information as we have it!
For now, let’s dive in to some changes you can expect to find (or were just released) on the PTU for Alpha 3.20:
Blocked Call – We’ve added a new option within the game settings to restrict comms calls to only members of your friends list.
We’ve also added options to enable Friend Request Notifications, and let you choose to receive Party Invite Notifications and Currency Transfer Notifications from anyone or from friends only.

Aligned Quantum HUDs – A significant effort to align the quantum HUDs to the crosshairs on all ship cockpits was completed by the Ship Content and UI teams. The HUD is now also lighter and looks less like a reticule, making lining up for quantum travel easier. This is necessary as the quantum HUD is not projected, so it’s impossible to align perfectly. However, there will be cockpit overlaps on some notable ships, including the Drake Cutlass. This is a compromise to ensure the QT target is not offset on any ship.
Anti Combat Logging – Now, when quitting the game while in combat, or having been in combat recently, the player’s avatar will remain for a time. This prevents players from logging out and instantly disappearing, potentially robbing other players of a kill. Should the player use ‘Exit to Main Menu’ or access the game options, they will be warned that they are still considered to be in combat.
Empty RMC Canisters – The filler station onboard the Drake Vulture and Aegis Reclaimer can now also create empty RMC canisters for the hull-scraping Multi-Tool.
mobiGlas Readability – The mobiGlas now has a darker underlay to improve readability across different locations.

MFD Persistence – Custom vehicle MFD selections will now persist for as long as players keep the vehicle intact. However, losing and claiming on insurance will create a new vehicle, thus losing the saved custom MFD.
HDR – High dynamic range (HDR) is now enabled for players with a compatible monitor. This is activated in Windows by going to the ‘Windows Display Settings’ and selecting ‘Use HDR’. Then, open Star Citizen and select ‘HDR’ in the ‘Graphics tab’.
MOLE Pilots Know – Argo MOLE pilots can now press “m” to activate a mining HUD that shows the following details:
- Current cargo content of the MOLE
- Current charge rate of the targeted rock
- Composition of the targeted rock
- Distance to rock and danger zone indicator

Patch News
Patch Watch
New ship & vehicle
Patch List
- Alpha 3.20 EPTU.8576403 Arena Commander Master Modes Limited Playtest
- Alpha 3.20 EPTU.8612213 Arena Commander Master Modes Limited Playtest 2
- Alpha 3.20 EPTU.8626731 Stability Limited Test
- Alpha 3.20.0 EPTU.8644609 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 EPTU.8663969 Patch Notes
WAVE 1 & 2
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8671107 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8677155 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8680168 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8684108 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8686278 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8695779 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8698328 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8699905 Patch Notes
- Alpha 3.20.0 PTU.8701927 Patch Notes