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Star Citizen | Alpha 3.24.2 9357571 Data Mining

In this post we indicate all the information retrieved from the Star Citizen files of Patch 3.24.2. 9357571

Keys Added for area:

  • area_name_Storage,P=Storage
  • area_name_elevator,P=Elevator
  • area_name_entrance=Entrance
  • area_name_extrenalcargoaccess=External Cargo Access
  • area_name_hub,P=Central
  • area_name_ops,P=Operations
  • area_name_surface,P=Surface
  • area_name_underground,P=Underground

Keys Added for BBT:

  • BBT_AspectRatio_Description,P=The dropdown AspectRatioLibrary sets tags based on the aspect ratio. These can then be referenced in embedded styles to set things in the canvas, such as a text string or canvas visibility.
  • BBT_AspectRatio_Title,P=Aspect Ratio Tags
  • BBT_TextEmphasis_Description,P=Add the tags < em1 > … < /em1 > without spaces to emphasise text. Must be set up for each style.
  • BBT_TextEmphasis_TestString_1,P=This string contains EM1, EM2, EM3 and EM4
  • BBT_TextEmphasis_TestString_2,P=And here it is emphasising some of the words in a fairly long sentence!
  • BBT_TextEmphasis_Title,P=Text Emphasis
  • BBT_TitleAndDescription_Description_Empty,P=Set a Title with Paraminput0 and Description with Paraminput1
  • BBT_TitleAndDescription_Title_Empty,P=BBTC_TitleAndDescription

Keys Added for dfm:

  • dfm_ui_Heavy_Title,P=Heavy
  • dfm_ui_Module_Title,P=Module

Keys Added for ea:

  • ea_ui_frontend_HQ=HQ
  • ea_ui_frontend_NetworkType=Network Type
  • ea_ui_frontend_RememberGamemodeSelection=Remember My Selection
  • ea_ui_frontend_RememberGamemodeSelectionDesc=If enabled, your previously selected game mode will be the default selection when entering Arena Commander.
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesEnableMatchCycling=Enable Match Cycling
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesEnableTeamBalancing=Enable Team Balancing
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesEnableTeamSwitching=Enable Team Switching
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesRAndomizeMapOnMatchCycle=Randomize Map on Match Cycle
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesTargetScore=Target Score
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesTimeLimit=Time Limit
  • ea_ui_frontend_Squad=Squad
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_AlienWeek_Description=Way back in 2438, Humans first discovered that they were not alone in the universe and their place among the stars was forever changed. Join us for a special alien themed event as the perfect way to mark this historical occasion.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_AlienWeek_Title=First Contact Day
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_CitizenCon_Description=Once a year, the entire Empire gathers to celebrate citizenship and you’re invited. Join with the best and brightest of the UEE for this CitizenCon special event.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_CitizenCon_Title=CitizenCon
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_FightOrFlight_Description,P=Fight or Flight, text ,text, more text.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_FightOrFlight_Title,P=Fight or Flight
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_FoundationFestival_Description=A civic holiday where charitable acts are strongly encouraged, you can make sure you give as good as you get during this Foundation Festival special event.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_FoundationFestival_Title=Foundation Festival
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_IAE_Description=When you’re done exploring the latest in spaceships at the IAE convention floor, come unwind with some intense combat action.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_IAE_Title=Intergalactic Aerospace Expo
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_Invictus_Description=In honor of the Empire’s might Navy, participate in this Invictus Launch Week special event that celebrates the brave starmen and fresh recruits who serve aboard Humanity’s fiercest fighting ships.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_Invictus_Title=Invictus Launch Week
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_MurrayCup_Description,P=Murray Cup, text ,text, more text.
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_MurrayCup_Title,P=Murray Cup
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_PlayerBirthday_Description=Looks like Earth has taken another trip around the sun and you’re another year older! What better way to celebrate your Birthday than with some intense head-to-head action?
  • ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_PlayerBirthday_Title=Happy Birthday!
  • ea_ui_map_NHS_Wetlands=New Horizon Speedway – Wetlands
  • ea_ui_map_NHS_Wetlands_Short=Wetlands
  • ea_ui_mapdesc_NHS_Wetlands_Short=See the New Horizon Speedway as never before as you fiercely race your way through the wetlands underneath the soaring tracks above.

Keys Added for engineering:

  • engineering_component_001=Relay
  • engineering_component_002=Pipe
  • engineering_component_003=Battery
  • engineering_ui_allocation,P=Allocation
  • engineering_ui_status,P=Status

Keys Added for Factions:

  • Factions_FireRats_DisplayName=Fire Rats
  • Factions_Horizon_DisplayName=Horizon

Keys Added for flightHUD:

  • flightHUD_Label_ATMO=ATMO

Keys Added for FormationFlying:

  • FormationFlying_Available=Available
  • FormationFlying_Disabled=Disengaged
  • FormationFlying_Enabled=Engaged
  • FormationFlying_Leaving=Leaving
  • FormationFlying_Notification_JoinFormation=Press ~action(spaceship_movement|v_enter_formation_flying_mode) to join formation
  • FormationFlying_Notification_MoveToFormation=Match formation position and velocity to join formation

Keys Added for FreightElevator:

  • FreightElevator_TransferingToHangar=Transferring…

Keys Added for GA:

  • GA_All,P=ALL!!
  • GA_Death,P=Death!
  • GA_PrizeGlory,P=Prize, Glory,
  • GA_PrizesLater,P=Prizes Later
  • GA_ShootFirst,P=Shoot First…
  • GA_SmileForTheCamera,P=Smile for the camera 🙂
  • GA_WinnerTakes,P=Winner Takes
  • GA_fight,P=Fight!
  • GA_ruleboards1,P=Anybody can enter, but you gotta fight\nyour way out ((o_0))
  • GA_ruleboards2,P=When the timer hits zero\nthe vault opens
  • GA_ruleboards3,P=You get a prize to the freight elevator,\nit’s yours!
  • GA_ruleboards4,P=Find bonus vault keys if you want\nbetter prizes

Keys Added for hauling:

  • hauling_collect_dropoff_objective,P=Collect package #~mission(item|serialnumber) from ~mission(location) and Dropoff #~mission(item|serialnumber) at ~mission(destination)
  • hauling_collect_location_objective,P=~mission(location|Address)
  • hauling_delivery_amount,P=Deliver ~mission(amount)/~mission(total) Packages

Keys Added for Headhunters:

  • Headhunters_defend_XT_H_desc_001=Not sure how familiar you are with what’s going down in Pyro, but we’re currently in a hell of a turf war with XenoThreat. It’s been pretty brutal lately, and I just learned that XenoThreat are about to attack ~mission(location|address). Thing is that I can’t rally any Clips to get there in time to defend it, so I need you to do it for us. \n\nGrab your gear, get some friends, and get to the location as fast as you can. Xenos like to stagger the arrival of their troops, so don’t blow through all your ammo during the initial defense ‘cause there’s a good chance more are coming. \n\nKeep them from taking over the site and I’ll pay you for the trouble.\n\n-Stows out
  • Headhunters_defend_XT_H_title_001=Halt XenoThreat Expansion
  • Headhunters_defend_XT_M_desc_001=XenoThreat’s looking to dig in further by getting their grubby hands on one of our locations. They’re gearing up to attack and then occupy ~mission(location|address). We can’t let that happen but don’t have any forces available to make a stand. That’s why we’re hoping you can step in. \n\nWe need you to head to the location pronto. Would be smart to arrive well-supplied and with allies. Xenos like to think of themselves as strategic geniuses, but in my experience, that just means they don’t send all their forces at once. So keep an eye out for more incoming after the initial attack.\n\nDo whatever you can to keep those skags from taking control of the site and we’ll make it worth your while. \n\n-Stows
  • Headhunters_defend_XT_M_title_001=Stop XenoThreat Expansion
  • Headhunters_defend_XT_VH_desc_001=XenoThreat are on the warpath right now. They’ve launched simultaneous attacks on several Headhunters sites and stretched our fighters thin. Got word they’re planning to storm ~mission(location|address) next, and we can’t get anyone there to defend it. \n\nI’m looking to pay someone to pull together a crew, gather supplies, and mount a strong defense for us. Gonna be honest with you, this is shaping up to be a hell of a fight. Xenos are sending some of their most experienced forces there. Not much else I can say except that they’ll probably stagger the arrival of their forces, wipe them all out and you’ll be paid handsomely. \n\nThink you can rise to the occasion? \n\n-Stows
  • Headhunters_defend_XT_VH_title_001=Block XenoThreat Expansion

Keys Added for Hints:

  • Hints_WeaponADSActivateNightvision_Body,P=You can activate light amplification by pressing ~action(player|interact_with_scope)
  • Hints_WeaponADSActivateNightvision_Title,P=Optic Attachments – Light Amplification
  • Hints_WeaponADSActivateZoom_Body,P=You can switch zoom levels by pressing ~action(player|interact_with_scope)
  • Hints_WeaponADSActivateZoom_Title,P=Optic Attachments – Zoom Levels

Keys Added for hud:

  • hud_ActiveGroup=Group
  • hud_Destroyed_Abbreviated=DEST
  • hud_Error_Abbreviated=ERR
  • hud_Label_CS=CS
  • hud_Ok=OK
  • hud_Sate=State
  • hud_qt_status_near_jump_point,P=NEAR JUMPPOINT
  • hud_scanning_exterior_title,P=PARTS
  • hud_scanning_interior_title,P=CARGO
  • hud_scanning_overview_title,P=INFO
  • hud_scanning_scan_complete=Scan Progress
  • hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_quantum_interdictor_jammers=QEDs
  • hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_quantum_interdictor_pulses=QIDs

Keys Added for HUD:

  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_DataCloseup_01,P=import mobiSql\n\nvoid inject_login() {\n db_connection = mobiSql.connect(‘shubin.users.db’);\n cursor = db_connection.access();\n result = 0;\n \n input = “admin’ OR ‘1’=’1”
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_DataCloseup_02,P=hashdb = test_password_hash(input);\n rawToken = hashdb.serialize(pass_candidates[0]);\n \nH<1D$>SHUBIN<<AEHAD H&T$PHT$pH%T$He+Rt:H<NxH…EtVTH AIIIII;EH<1$fh AEH<OE$\n while(result != try_match(rawToken))\n {\n if(iter++ == pass_candidates.cend())\n break;\n \n rawToken = hashdb.serialize(pass_candidates[iter]);\n }
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_DataCloseup_03,P= if(result <= 0)\n return;\n g1HAa HM . HVTAH%ECLa/HM.yAEHADHH A0 ARCHON STA,,%$seao: n<t\n cursor.execute(result)\n \n results = cursor.fetchall()
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_DataCloseup_04,P=H%XECLa/HM.y$8H<1$% SHUBIN INTERPLANETARY EDH<IyHH<…Rt\n\ncursor.close()\n db_connection.close()\n\ninject_login()
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Process_Status_Failed,P=Failed
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Process_Status_Updating,P=Updating
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Widget_DataViewerTitle,P=Data viewer
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Widget_Source_Blackbox,P=Black Box Data
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Widget_Source_Credentials,P=Security Credentials
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Widget_Source_MapData,P=Map Data

Keys Added for IndustrialGuild:

  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Area,P=TBD
  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Description,P=TBD
  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Focus,P=TBD
  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Founded,P=TBD
  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Headquarters,P=TBD
  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Leadership,P=TBD
  • IndustrialGuild_RepUI_Name=United Resource Workers

Keys Added for item:

  • item_DescARGO_TractorBeam_S1_Cargo=Manufacturer: Argo Astronautics\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 150 m\nFull Strength Distance: 75 m\n\nMade specifically for the ATLS power suit, the Durus tractor beam from Argo Astronautics has been carefully tuned for loading and unloading cargo.
  • item_DescCOOL_AEGS_S04_Reclaimer=Item Type: Cooler\nManufacturer: Aegis Dynamics\nSize: 4\nGrade: Bespoke\nClass: Industrial\n\nThe Reclaimer is a ship renowned for its ability to work long and hard. To help support even the most arduous salvaging projects, Aegis develop the bespoke Algid cooler.
  • item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_002_shared_Cargo=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 150 m\nFull Strength Distance: 75 m\n\nBacked by their certified Soft-Touch® guarantee, Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam is a mainstay of its product catalogue thanks to its dependable range and control. This “Q” model includes a special quick placement mode to assist with the transfer of cargo.
  • item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_002_shared_UT1_Cargo=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 130 m\nFull Strength Distance: 55 m\n\nThis heavy-duty variant of Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam sacrifices range in exchange for additional power to handle larger and heavier objects making it an essential tool in a variety of industrial applications. This “Q” model includes a special quick placement mode to assist with the transfer of cargo.
  • item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_002_shared_UT2_Cargo=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nMax Angle: 80°\nMax Range: 130 m\nFull Strength Distance: 55 m\n\nThis precision variant of Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam sacrifices some of the power and range of the base model in exchange for a wider angle of manipulation and greater tether grip, allowing for careful handling of more delicate goods. This “Q” model includes a special quick placement mode to assist with the transfer of cargo.
  • item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_003_shared_Cargo=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 80°\nMax Range: 135 m\nFull Strength Distance: 50 m\n\nThe ViseLock tractor beam is an evolution of Greycat’s industry-standard tech, with added improvements specifically intended to help security forces restrain their targets. In its design, Greycat sacrificed some hold strength at greater distances to achieve a more powerful tether that is harder to escape. This “Q” model includes a special quick placement mode to assist with the transfer of cargo.
  • item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_004_S3_Cargo=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Towing Beam\nMax Angle: 160°\nMax Range: 250 m\nFull Strength Distance: 200 m\n\nThe safe and secure choice of recovery teams across the empire, the SafeTow towing beam from Greycat Industrial boasts enough strength, power, and control to transport both heavy cargo and vehicles across the ‘verse. This “Q” model includes a special quick placement mode to assist with the transfer of cargo.
  • item_DescJUMP_TARS_S1_C=Item Type: Jump Module\nManufacturer: Tarsus\nSize: 1\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nJourney across the ‘verse with Tarsus’ Explorer jump module, offering greater reliability to help take your wanderlust to new heights.
  • item_DescJUMP_TARS_S2_C=Item Type: Jump Module\nManufacturer: Tarsus\nSize: 2\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nJourney across the ‘verse with Tarsus’ Excelsior jump module, offering greater reliability to help take your wanderlust to new heights.
  • item_DescJUMP_TARS_S3_C=Item Type: Jump Module\nManufacturer: Tarsus\nSize: 3\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nJourney across the ‘verse with Tarsus’ Exodus jump module, offering greater reliability to help take your wanderlust to new heights.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S00_Awaken_Compact=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 0\nGrade: D\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Awaken life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S00_Exalt_Compact=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 0\nGrade: A\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Exalt life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S00_Inspire_Compact=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 0\nGrade: C\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Inspire life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S00_Revere_Compact=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 0\nGrade: B\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Revere life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S01_Awaken=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 1\nGrade: D\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Awaken life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S01_Exalt=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 1\nGrade: A\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Exalt life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S01_Inspire=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 1\nGrade: C\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Inspire life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S01_Revere=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 1\nGrade: B\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Revere life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S02_Awaken_Advanced=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 2\nGrade: D\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Awaken life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S02_Exalt_Advanced=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 2\nGrade: A\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Exalt life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S02_Inspire_Advanced=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 2\nGrade: C\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Inspire life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S02_Revere_Advanced=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 2\nGrade: B\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Revere life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S03_Awaken_Pro=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 3\nGrade: D\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Awaken life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S03_Exalt_Pro=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 3\nGrade: A\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Exalt life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S03_Inspire_Pro=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 3\nGrade: C\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Inspire life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_JUST_S03_Revere_Pro=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Juno Starwerk\nSize: 3\nGrade: B\nClass: Industrial\n\nNo matter the job, you need to be sure that you’re life support system is going to do its part – day in, day out. That’s why Juno Starwerk built the Revere life support system to be tough enough so you could breath easy.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S00_Gaia_FV=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 0\nGrade: A\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Gaia life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S00_Halcyon_FV=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 0\nGrade: D\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Halcyon life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S00_Sanctuary_FV=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 0\nGrade: B\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Sanctuary life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S00_Serenity_FV=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 0\nGrade: C\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Serenity life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S01_Gaia_F10=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 1\nGrade: A\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Gaia life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S01_Halcyon_F10=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 1\nGrade: D\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Halcyon life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S01_Sanctuary_F10=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 1\nGrade: B\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Sanctuary life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S01_Serenity_F10=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 1\nGrade: C\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Serenity life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S02_Gaia_F20=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 2\nGrade: A\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Gaia life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S02_Halcyon_F20=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 2\nGrade: D\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Halcyon life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S02_Sanctuary_F20=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 2\nGrade: B\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Sanctuary life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S02_Serenity_F20=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 2\nGrade: C\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Serenity life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S03_Gaia_F30=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 3\nGrade: A\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Gaia life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S03_Halcyon_F30=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 3\nGrade: D\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Halcyon life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S03_Sanctuary_F30=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 3\nGrade: B\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Sanctuary life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_RSI_S03_Serenity_F30=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: RSI\nSize: 3\nGrade: C\nClass: Military\n\nOperating to the exacting standards expected of RSI, the Serenity life support system provides consistent performance across a wide variety of scenarios.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S00_Dahlia_Mini=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 0\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Dahlia line was designed to offer a no-fuss solution to your life support needs.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S00_Goldenrod_Mini=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 0\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Goldenrod line of life supports was designed to work when you need it most.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S00_Marigold_Mini=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 0\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why they designed the Marigold line to be the last thing you and your crew have to worry about.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S00_Zinnia_Mini=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 0\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why you and your crew can feel comfortable braving the unknown with a Zinnia life support system on board.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S01_Dahlia=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 1\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Dahlia line was designed to offer a no-fuss solution to your life support needs.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S01_Goldenrod=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 1\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Goldenrod line of life supports was designed to work when you need it most.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S01_Marigold=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 1\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why they designed the Marigold line to be the last thing you and your crew have to worry about.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S01_Zinnia=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 1\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why you and your crew can feel comfortable braving the unknown with a Zinnia life support system on board.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S02_Dahlia_Premium=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 2\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Dahlia line was designed to offer a no-fuss solution to your life support needs.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S02_Goldenrod_Premium=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 2\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Goldenrod line of life supports was designed to work when you need it most.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S02_Marigold_Premium=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 2\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why they designed the Marigold line to be the last thing you and your crew have to worry about.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S02_Zinnia_Premium=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 2\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why you and your crew can feel comfortable braving the unknown with a Zinnia life support system on board.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S03_Dahlia_Delux=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 3\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Dahlia line was designed to offer a no-fuss solution to your life support needs.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S03_Goldenrod_Delux=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 3\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why the Goldenrod line of life supports was designed to work when you need it most.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S03_Marigold_Delux=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 3\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why they designed the Marigold line to be the last thing you and your crew have to worry about.
  • item_DescLIFE_SASU_S03_Zinnia_Delux=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Sakura Sun\nSize: 3\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nThe engineers at Sakura Sun know the importance of a dependable life support system when exploring the far reaches of the empire. That’s why you and your crew can feel comfortable braving the unknown with a Zinnia life support system on board.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_Filter=Item Type: Life Support Filter\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \n\n\nThe ScrubClean filter exceeds UEE standards for removing harmful unwanted particles from the atmosphere, to provide a clean and breathable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S00_AirFresh_Lite=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 0\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the AirFresh life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S00_ComfortAir_Lite=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 0\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the ComfortAir life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S00_PureClean_Lite=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 0\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the PureClean life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S00_VentScrub_Lite=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 0\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the VentScrub life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S01_AirFresh=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 1\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the AirFresh life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S01_ComfortAir=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 1\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the ComfortAir life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S01_PureClean=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 1\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the PureClean life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S01_VentScrub=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 1\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the VentScrub life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S02_AirFresh_Plus=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 2\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the AirFresh life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S02_ComfortAir_Plus=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 2\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the ComfortAir life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S02_PureClean_Plus=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 2\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the PureClean life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S02_VentScrub_Plus=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 2\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the VentScrub life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S03_AirFresh_Max=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 3\nGrade: B\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the AirFresh life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S03_ComfortAir_Max=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 3\nGrade: C\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the ComfortAir life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S03_PureClean_Max=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 3\nGrade: A\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the PureClean life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescLIFE_TYDT_S03_VentScrub_Max=Item Type: Life Support\nManufacturer: Tyler Design & Tech \nSize: 3\nGrade: D\nClass: Civilian\n\nDesigned to be able to process atmosphere to above UEE standards, the VentScrub life support system from Tyler Design & Tech provides you and your crew with a clean and comfortable environment.
  • item_DescMovable_Trolley_Hover_cargo=Thanks to GravLev, this utility hand truck makes carting heavy loads much easier.
  • item_DescSHLD_AEGS_S04_Reclaimer_SCItem=Item Type: Shield Generator\nManufacturer: Aegis Dynamics\nSize: 4\nGrade: Bespoke\nClass: Industrial\n\nDesigned to defend against the debris common during large-scale salvage projects, Aegis Dynamics developed this bespoke industrial shield generator in-house for the Reclaimer.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_Black_Steel_Orange=The subtle style of the Starscape livery features black and steel-colored panels with orange highlights.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_Blue_Black_White=The Firmament livery makes the Zeus Mk II a beautiful light blue with black and white highlights.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_Green_Black_Yellow=Featuring a lush green with yellow and black highlights, the Monteverde livery gives you a colorful option for the Zeus Mk II.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_Metal_Black_White=The Obsidian livery uses black, white, and a metallic finish to give the Zeus Mk II a distinctly bold look.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_Orange_Grey_Black=Primarily orange with a grey central line and highlights, the Solar livery for the Zeus Mk II was designed to match the colors of the iconic Zeus suit variant of the same name.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_VIP_PaleBlue_Gold_Black=Outfit the ship that launched Humanity into the stars with the gorgeous Solstice livery. Grey and black panels accented by ribbons of gold give the Zeus Mk II a distinguished and unforgettable appearance.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_White_Grey_Black=The Frontier livery highlights the dynamic angular design of the Zeus Mk II. The white in the front extends into the grey back half of the ship down the center of the fuselage and edge of each wing.
  • item_DescZeus_Paint_Yellow_Black_Yellow=Proclaim your presence with the Sunswept livery for the Zeus Mk II, which features a vibrant yellow with black highlights.
  • item_Desc_alb_pants_04=Carrying Capacity: 0.4K µSCU\n\nBe ready to take on whatever the day brings when wearing the Navoi. This unique piece integrates the pants perfectly into knee high boots. Made from a combination of synthetic materials to be tough yet comfortable, the Navoi also comes with shin pads and pouches strapped onto each leg.
  • item_Desc_basl_combat_light_flightsuit_01,P=PH – basl_combat_light_flightsuit_01
  • item_Desc_basl_combat_light_helmet_01,P=PH – basl_combat_light_helmet_01
  • item_Desc_cbd_gloves_01=Originally made for open-canopy racers, the Grappler gloves became beloved for their versatility and durability. Their mix of leather and synthetic fabrics make for a lightweight and warm wear. They also feature an adjustable strap to guarantee the perfect fit, and a special tactile fingertip design so wearers don’t have to remove the gloves to interact with screens.
  • item_Desc_cbd_jacket_05=Carrying Capacity: 1K µSCU\n\nEmbody the hardcore attitude with the Misfit jacket. Durable synthetic leather combines with anarchic stylings for a jacket meant to send a message. Its distinct look includes spikes across the shoulder and right arm, two buckled straps on the left arm, and a badass image on the back highlighted by three lights powered via electronic boxes affixed to the front.
  • item_Desc_cbd_mask_01=The Chrome Dome was designed to make hostile environments manageable. This unique head gear features a lightweight and reflective hat with a sloped brim, goggles that automatically adjust to lighting conditions, large ear flaps, and a neck gaiter to cover the face. Whether trudging through snow or sand, the Chrome Dome is ready to brave the elements with you.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_arms_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nTemp. Rating: -75 / 105 °C\n\nRevolutionary when first released, the ADP heavy armor system was heralded as the pinnacle of personal protection. Clark Defense Systems’ maximalist design provides plenty of attachment points and excellent protection against the elements and enemy fire. CDS refined and reshaped the ADP line over the years, but many still consider the original ADP to be the touchstone of military-grade heavy armor. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_core_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 10.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -75 / 105 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: All\n\nRevolutionary when first released, the ADP heavy armor system was heralded as the pinnacle of personal protection. Clark Defense Systems’ maximalist design provides plenty of attachment points and excellent protection against the elements and enemy fire. CDS refined and reshaped the ADP line over the years, but many still consider the original ADP to be the touchstone of military-grade heavy armor. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nTemp. Rating: -75 / 105 °C\n\nEvery piece of the Balor was designed by Clark Defense Systems to more evenly distribute damage. This spreads the force of an impact across the heavy helmet, helping it hold up when others would fail. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_microtech=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nTemp. Rating: -75 / 105 °C\n\nEvery piece of the Balor was designed by Clark Defense Systems to more evenly distribute damage. This spreads the force of an impact across the heavy helmet, helping it hold up when others would fail. The microTech Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_legs_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Heavy Armor\nDamage Reduction: 40%\nCarrying Capacity: 6.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -75 / 105 °C\n\nRevolutionary when first released, the ADP heavy armor system was heralded as the pinnacle of personal protection. Clark Defense Systems’ maximalist design provides plenty of attachment points and excellent protection against the elements and enemy fire. CDS refined and reshaped the ADP line over the years, but many still consider the original ADP to be the touchstone of military-grade heavy armor. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -37 / 67 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -37 / 67 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -37 / 67 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -37 / 67 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 4K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 4K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 4K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 4K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nConstructed using a lightweight alloy that can withstand a fair share of damage, the CBH-3 is a field-tested combat helmet featuring a large single-piece molded faceplate to allow for an expansive field of view for increased situational awareness. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nConstructed using a lightweight alloy that can withstand a fair share of damage, the CBH-3 is a field-tested combat helmet featuring a large single-piece molded faceplate to allow for an expansive field of view for increased situational awareness. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nConstructed using a lightweight alloy that can withstand a fair share of damage, the CBH-3 is a field-tested combat helmet featuring a large single-piece molded faceplate to allow for an expansive field of view for increased situational awareness. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nConstructed using a lightweight alloy that can withstand a fair share of damage, the CBH-3 is a field-tested combat helmet featuring a large single-piece molded faceplate to allow for an expansive field of view for increased situational awareness. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -40 / 70 °C\n\nClark Defense Systems built the PAB-1 light but strong enough to stay in a fight. The first CDS suit to utilize their proprietary nano-weave, this light armor became a favorite of those who needed a little extra protection while remaining agile. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_microtech=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The microTech Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nThe G-2 provides protection and an uninhibited field of view without being bulky. Clark Defense Systems designed the helmet to withstand a wide variety of impact types without compromising its integrity. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nThe G-2 provides protection and an uninhibited field of view without being bulky. Clark Defense Systems designed the helmet to withstand a wide variety of impact types without compromising its integrity. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nThe G-2 provides protection and an uninhibited field of view without being bulky. Clark Defense Systems designed the helmet to withstand a wide variety of impact types without compromising its integrity. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nThe G-2 provides protection and an uninhibited field of view without being bulky. Clark Defense Systems designed the helmet to withstand a wide variety of impact types without compromising its integrity. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nThe G-2 provides protection and an uninhibited field of view without being bulky. Clark Defense Systems designed the helmet to withstand a wide variety of impact types without compromising its integrity. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_covalex=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Covalex Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_cryastro=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Cry-Astro Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_greycat=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Greycat Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_hd_sec=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Hurston Edition was made specifically for the company’s security services.
  • item_Desc_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_sakurasun=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -55 / 85 °C\n\nDependable and durable armor never goes out of style. The ORC-mkV from Clark Defense Systems has been a battlefield staple for centuries. This highly regarded medium armor blends composite plating with a special fiber reinforced polymer to provide solid protection and a wide range of movement. The Sakura Sun Edition was made specifically for the company.
  • item_Desc_dmc_jacket_08_01_01=Carrying Capacity: 1K µSCU\n\nThe rugged, all-weather Carbide jacket from DMC features diamond-quilt detailing, stretch-comfort cuffs, and numerous attachment points for versatile storage options.
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_01=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nFrom Fortified Armor comes the yellow and grey Ambrose helmet. Featuring a highridge with built-in headlamp, durable tinted faceplate, and fabric detailing, the Ambrose is made for all-day wear thanks to its unique expanding compression band.
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_13=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nFrom Fortified Armor comes the dark grey Ambrose helmet. Featuring a highridge with built-in headlamp, durable faceplate, and fabric detailing, the Ambrose is made for all-day wear thanks to its unique expanding compression band.
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_15=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nFrom Fortified Armor comes the beige Ambrose helmet. Featuring a highridge with built-in headlamp, durable faceplate, and fabric detailing, the Ambrose is made for all-day wear thanks to its unique expanding compression band.
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_18=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nFrom Fortified Armor comes the teal and burgundy Ambrose helmet. Featuring a highridge with built-in headlamp, durable faceplate, and fabric detailing, the Ambrose is made for all-day wear thanks to its unique expanding compression band.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_13=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_15=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_17=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gys_jacket_01=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -5 / 38 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light\n\nThis homemade armor provides a marginal amount of protection but maximum attitude. It’s aggressively styled with skulls and other intimidating accessories associated with those living on the edge. Wearing such a distinct look may either keep people away… or draw them to you.
  • item_Desc_gys_pants_01=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -5 / 35 °C\n\nThis homemade armor provides a marginal amount of protection but maximum attitude. It’s aggressively styled with skulls and other intimidating accessories associated with those living on the edge. Wearing such a distinct look may either keep people away… or draw them to you.
  • item_Desc_gys_undersuit_01=Item Type: Undersuit\nDamage Reduction: 10%\n\nConfidently venture into the unknown with the Deep-Space undersuit. Smartly designed with several overlapping sections to guarantee the suit’s integrity, Gyson has created an affordable and fashionable undersuit that helps make space travel more accessible to all.
  • item_Desc_hdh_shirt_04=The Alban is a long sleeve shirt made from comfortable, natural fabrics. Featuring a deep V-neck, its asymmetrical patchwork design provides it with a bit of texture and a two-toned look.
  • item_Desc_kap_light_armor_arms_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_arms_01
  • item_Desc_kap_light_armor_core_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_core_01
  • item_Desc_kap_light_armor_helmet_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_helmet_01
  • item_Desc_kap_light_armor_legs_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_legs_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_boots_01_01_01=Mirai’s Racing Boots use synthetic fabrics sourced from the Xi’an to create a comfortable flight suit durable enough to endure the stresses of high-velocity racing. Taking inspiration from traditional Saisei culture and aesthetics, the design of the boots is both elegant and striking.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01=Item Type: Flight Suit\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nMirai’s Racing Flight Suit uses synthetic fabrics sourced from the Xi’an to create a comfortable flight suit durable enough to endure the stresses of high-velocity racing. Taking inspiration from traditional Saisei culture and aesthetics, the stark red stripe across the body of the flight suit results in a striking but elegant design.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01=Item Type: Flight Suit\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nEmbody luxury, style, and speed by stepping into the flight suit worn by the Origin racing team. This crisp white flight suit features blue and grey highlight and the Origin logo in several prominent places.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01=Item Type: Flight Suit\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nBold neon yellow and vivid blue combine to make the official Murray Cup racing flight suit stand out from the crowd. Designed to the same standards as the flight suits worn by professional racers, it also features logos from official sponsors of the Murray Cup race.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01=Item Type: Flight Suit\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nThe Star Kitten racing flight suit embraces the iconic look of the cartoon character. Worn by Team Takahashi racers, the flight suit is primarily pink with teal highlights and larges images of Star Kitten on the front and back.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nMirai’s Racing helmets uses advanced Xi’an materials to create a comfortable, lightweight helmet durable enough to endure the stresses of high-velocity racing. Taking inspiration from traditional Saisei culture and aesthetics, the stark red highlight and bold Mirai branding results in a striking but elegant design.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nPlunge headlong into extreme speed in comfort and style with the Origin racing helmet. Primarily white with black and blue highlights, the helmet features a wide visor for unobstructed views as you speed by.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nThe Murray Cup racing helmet was made to match the flight suit of the same name. Neon yellow, blue, and packed full of logos from official race sponsors, the helmet is both lightweight and supremely comfortable.
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01=Item Type: Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 10%\nTemp. Rating: -30 / 60 °C\n\nThe famous Star Kitten racing helmet worn by Team Takahashi racers can now be yours. It’s vibrant pink with Star Kitten iconography on the front and back, plus playful teal whiskers across the faceplate.
  • item_Desc_mrai_gloves_01_01_01=Mirai’s Racing Gloves use synthetic fabrics sourced from the Xi’an to create a comfortable flight suit durable enough to endure the stresses of high-velocity racing. Taking inspiration from traditional Saisei culture and aesthetics, the design of the gloves is both elegant and striking.
  • item_Desc_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_01=Item Type: Armored Flight Suit\nDamage Reduction: 10%\n\nInspired by the armored flight suit worn by UEE Navy pilots, the OMNI-AFS-Sapphire has been battle tested and refined for centuries to become the ultimate wear for any pilot. Its sturdy yet comfortable construction can not only withstand hostile environments, but comes with integrated arm, core, and leg armor for combat encounters. The only way a pilot can get closer to the real thing is by enlisting.
  • item_Desc_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_helmet_01=Item Type: Light Helmet\nDamage Reduction: 20%\n\nSimilar to the helmet worn by UEE Navy pilots, the OMNI-AFS-Sapphire helmet delivers excellent protection and visibility. Multilayered plating protects against impacts while its wide faceplate ensures clear, unobstructed views whether in the cockpit or on foot.
  • item_Desc_qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01
  • item_Desc_qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01
  • item_Desc_qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01
  • item_Desc_qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_light_01_Shared=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\n\nDesigned to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_light_01_core=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 4K µSCU \nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light \n\nDesigned to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_light_01_legs=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\n\nDesigned to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_light_helmet_02=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\n\nKastak Arm’s Renegade combat helmet is a light but durable infantry helmet designed for added protection and impact-reduction during in-atmosphere operations. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_medium_01_Shared=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C\n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_medium_01_core=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU \nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C \nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium \n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Desc_slaver_armor_medium_01_legs=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C\n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02_black01=Manufacturer: Behring \nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 15\nRate Of Fire: 475 rpm\nEffective Range: 100 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nThe direct descendant of the UEE Marines standard issue weapon, Behring has crafted the semi-automatic P8-AR to provide civilians across the empire a straight-forward and dependable weapon to defend themselves against aggressive hostiles. Outfitted with a matte black paint, the “Blackguard” special edition rifle is perfect for night operations.
  • item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02_blue01=Manufacturer: Behring \nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 15\nRate Of Fire: 475 rpm\nEffective Range: 100 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nThe direct descendant of the UEE Marines standard issue weapon, Behring has crafted the semi-automatic P8-AR to provide civilians across the empire a straight-forward and dependable weapon to defend themselves against aggressive hostiles. This special edition features a bold blue color in honor of CitizenCon 2954.
  • item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian=Manufacturer: Behring \nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 15\nRate Of Fire: 475 rpm\nEffective Range: 100 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nThe direct descendant of the UEE Marines standard issue weapon, Behring has crafted the semi-automatic P8-AR to provide civilians across the empire a straight-forward and dependable weapon to defend themselves against aggressive hostiles.
  • item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian_digi01=Manufacturer: Behring \nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 15\nRate Of Fire: 475 rpm\nEffective Range: 100 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nThe direct descendant of the UEE Marines standard issue weapon, Behring has crafted the semi-automatic P8-AR to provide civilians across the empire a straight-forward and dependable weapon to defend themselves against aggressive hostiles. The “Metro Camo” edition features a grey-tone digicamo pattern.
  • item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian_mag=Item Type: Magazine\nCapacity: 15\n\nThis magazine for the Behring P8-AR rifle comes pre-loaded with fifteen rounds.
  • item_Descksar_rifle_energy_01_red01=Manufacturer: Kastak Arms\nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Energy (Plasma)\n\nBattery Size: 35\nRate Of Fire: 500 rpm\nEffective Range: 50 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nThe Karna is a classic Kastak Arms plasma assault rifle. This mid-range mauler features burst, charged, and full-auto fire modes to allow for quick and easy situational adjustments. Besides its renowned firepower, the Karna’s rugged looks and reliability have made it one of Kastak Arms’ most popular weapons. The “Brimstone” special edition features a bold red top-trim and a dark gray finish on the lower half of the weapon.
  • item_Descksar_shotgun_energy_01_red01=Manufacturer: Kastak Arms\nItem Type: Shotgun\nClass: Energy (Plasma)\n\nBattery Size: 12\nRate Of Fire: 60 rpm\nEffective Range: 20 m\n\nKastak Arms’ Devastator is a semi-automatic electric shotgun capable of delivering sustained medium range, high-impact plasma blasts for close combat, room clearances and other combat operations. If the situation requires a high-power presence, look no further than the Devastator. The “Brimstone” special edition features a bold red top-trim and a dark gray finish on the lower half of the weapon.
  • item_Descksar_smg_energy_01_red01=Manufacturer: Kastak Arms\nItem Type: SMG\nClass: Energy (Laser)\n\nBattery Size: 60\nRate Of Fire: 800 rpm\nEffective Range: 30 m\n\nThe Custodian SMG from Kastak Arms focuses on a high rate of fire over damage and accuracy making it an ideal choice for sweeping through tight environments and close quarters combat. The “Brimstone” special edition features a bold red top-trim and a dark gray finish on the lower half of the weapon.
  • item_Descnone_smg_energy_01=Manufacturer: Unknown\nItem Type: SMG\nClass: Energy (Laser)\n\nBattery Size: 60\nRate Of Fire: 800 rpm\nEffective Range: 30 m\n\nScrapped together from whatever parts and pieces were available, the Ripper SMG can probably do enough damage to get you out of a tight spot. Just be ready for things to get messy.
  • item_Descnone_smg_energy_01_mag=Item Type: Battery\nCapacity: 60\n\nThis battery for the Ripper SMG holds enough energy for 60 shots.
  • item_NameARGO_TractorBeam_S1_Cargo=Durus Tractor Beam
  • item_NameCOOL_AEGS_S04_Reclaimer=Algid
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S1_Cargo=SureGrip S1-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S1_UT1_Cargo=SureGrip HV-S1-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S1_UT2_Cargo=SureGrip PR-S1-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S2_Cargo=SureGrip S2-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S2_UT1_Cargo=SureGrip HV-S2-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S2_UT2_Cargo=SureGrip PR-S2-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S3_Cargo=SureGrip S3-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S3_UT1_Cargo=SureGrip HV-S3-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_002_S3_UT2_Cargo=SureGrip PR-S3-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_003_S1_Cargo=ViseLock S1-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_003_S2_Cargo=ViseLock S2-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_003_S3_Cargo=ViseLock S3-Q Tractor Beam
  • item_NameGRIN_TractorBeam_004_S3_Cargo=SafeTow S3-Q Towing Beam
  • item_NameJUMP_TARS_S1_C=Explorer
  • item_NameJUMP_TARS_S2_C=Excelsior
  • item_NameJUMP_TARS_S3_C=Exodus
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S00_Awaken_Compact=Awaken Compact
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S00_Exalt_Compact=Exalt Compact
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S00_Inspire_Compact=Inspire Compact
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S00_Revere_Compact=Revere Compact
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S01_Awaken=Awaken
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S01_Exalt=Exalt
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S01_Inspire=Inspire
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S01_Revere=Revere
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S02_Awaken_Advanced=Awaken Advanced
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S02_Exalt_Advanced=Exalt Advanced
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S02_Inspire_Advanced=Inspire Advanced
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S02_Revere_Advanced=Revere Advanced
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S03_Awaken_Pro=Awaken Pro
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S03_Exalt_Pro=Exalt Pro
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S03_Inspire_Pro=Inspire Pro
  • item_NameLIFE_JUST_S03_Revere_Pro=Revere Pro
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S00_Gaia_FV=Gaia FV
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S00_Halcyon_FV=Halcyon FV
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S00_Sanctuary_FV=Sanctuary FV
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S00_Serenity_FV=Serenity FV
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S01_Gaia_F10=Gaia F10
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S01_Halcyon_F10=Halcyon F10
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S01_Sanctuary_F10=Sanctuary F10
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S01_Serenity_F10=Serenity F10
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S02_Gaia_F20=Gaia F20
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S02_Halcyon_F20=Halcyon F20
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S02_Sanctuary_F20=Sanctuary F20
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S02_Serenity_F20=Serenity F20
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S03_Gaia_F30=Gaia F30
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S03_Halcyon_F30=Halcyon F30
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S03_Sanctuary_F30=Sanctuary F30
  • item_NameLIFE_RSI_S03_Serenity_F30=Serenity F30
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S00_Dahlia_Mini=Dahlia Mini
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S00_Goldenrod_Mini=Goldenrod Mini
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S00_Marigold_Mini=Marigold Mini
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S00_Zinnia_Mini=Zinnia Mini
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S01_Dahlia=Dahlia
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S01_Goldenrod=Goldenrod
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S01_Marigold=Marigold
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S01_Zinnia=Zinnia
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S02_Dahlia_Premium=Dahlia Premium
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S02_Goldenrod_Premium=Goldenrod Premium
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S02_Marigold_Premium=Marigold Premium
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S02_Zinnia_Premium=Zinnia Premium
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S03_Dahlia_Delux=Dahlia Delux
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S03_Goldenrod_Delux=Goldenrod Delux
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S03_Marigold_Delux=Marigold Delux
  • item_NameLIFE_SASU_S03_Zinnia_Delux=Zinnia Delux
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_Filter=ScrubClean Filter
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S00_AirFresh_Lite=AirFresh Light
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S00_ComfortAir_Lite=ComfortAir Lite
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S00_PureClean_Lite=PureClean Lite
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S00_VentScrub_Lite=VentScrub Lite
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S01_AirFresh=AirFresh
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S01_ComfortAir=ComfortAir
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S01_PureClean=PureClean
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S01_VentScrub=VentScrub
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S02_AirFresh_Plus=AirFresh Plus
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S02_ComfortAir_Plus=ComfortAir Plus
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S02_PureClean_Plus=PureClean Plus
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S02_VentScrub_Plus=VentScrub Plus
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S03_AirFresh_Max=AirFresh Max
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S03_ComfortAir_Max=ComfortAir Max
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S03_PureClean_Max=PureClean Max
  • item_NameLIFE_TYDT_S03_VentScrub_Max=VentScrub Max
  • item_NameMRCK_S04_RSI_Zeus=RSI Zeus Missile Launcher
  • item_NameMovable_Trolley_Hover_cargo=Utility Grav-Cart
  • item_NameSHLD_AEGS_S04_Reclaimer_SCItem=RS-Barrier
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_Black_Steel_Orange=Zeus MK II Starscape Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_Blue_Black_White=Zeus Mk II Firmament Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_Green_Black_Yellow=Zeus Mk II Monteverde Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_Metal_Black_White=Zeus Mk II Obsidian Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_Orange_Grey_Black=Zeus MK II Solar Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_VIP_PaleBlue_Gold_Black=Zeus Mk II Solstice Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_White_Grey_Black=Zeus Mk II Frontier Livery
  • item_NameZeus_Paint_Yellow_Black_Yellow=Zeus Mk II Sunswept Livery
  • item_Name_alb_pants_04_01_01=Navoi Boots and Pants
  • item_Name_alb_pants_04_01_02=Navoi Boots and Pants Dust Storm
  • item_Name_alb_pants_04_01_03=Navoi Boots and Pants Shale
  • item_Name_basl_combat_light_flightsuit_01_01_01,P=PH – basl_combat_light_flightsuit_01_01_01
  • item_Name_cbd_gloves_01_01_01=Grappler Gloves
  • item_Name_cbd_gloves_01_01_02=Grappler Gloves Smoke
  • item_Name_cbd_gloves_01_01_03=Grappler Gloves Bone
  • item_Name_cbd_jacket_05_01_01=Misfit Jacket
  • item_Name_cbd_jacket_05_01_02=Misfit Jacket Rawhide
  • item_Name_cbd_jacket_05_01_03=Misfit Jacket Crossdraw
  • item_Name_cbd_mask_01_01_01=Chrome Dome Head Gear
  • item_Name_cbd_mask_01_01_02=Chrome Dome Head Gear Grey Camo
  • item_Name_cbd_mask_01_01_03=Chrome Dome Head Gear Calavera
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_arms_01_01_gld=ADP Arms Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_arms_01_01_hd_sec=ADP Arms Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_arms_01_01_irn=ADP Arms Platinum
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_core_01_01_gld=ADP Core Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_core_01_01_hd_sec=ADP Core Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_core_01_01_irn=ADP Core Platinum
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_gld=Balor HCH Helmet Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_hd_sec=Balor HCH Helmet Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_irn=Balor HCH Helmet Platinum
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_helmet_01_01_microtech=Balor HCH Helmet microTech Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_legs_01_01_gld=ADP Legs Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_legs_01_01_hd_sec=ADP Legs Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_heavy_legs_01_01_irn=ADP Legs Platinum
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_covalex=PAB-1 Arms Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_cryastro=PAB-1 Arms Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_gld=PAB-1 Arms Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_greycat=PAB-1 Arms Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_sakurasun=PAB-1 Arms Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_covalex=PAB-1 Core Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_cryastro=PAB-1 Core Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_gld=PAB-1 Core Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_greycat=PAB-1 Core Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_sakurasun=PAB-1 Core Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_covalex=CBH-3 Helmet Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_cryastro=CBH-3 Helmet Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_gld=CBH-3 Helmet Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_greycat=CBH-3 Helmet Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_sakurasun=CBH-3 Helmet Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_covalex=PAB-1 Legs Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_cryastro=PAB-1 Legs Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_gld=PAB-1 Legs Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_greycat=PAB-1 Legs Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_sakurasun=PAB-1 Legs Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_covalex=ORC-mkV Arms Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_cryastro=ORC-mkV Arms Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_gld=ORC-mkV Arms Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_greycat=ORC-mkV Arms Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_hd_sec=ORC-mkV Arms Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_sakurasun=ORC-mkV Arms Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_covalex=ORC-mkV Core Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_cryastro=ORC-mkV Core Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_gld=ORC-mkV Core Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_greycat=ORC-mkV Core Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_hd_sec=ORC-mkV Core Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_microtech=ORC-mkV Core microTech Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_sakurasun=ORC-mkV Core Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_covalex=G-2 Helmet Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_cryastro=G-2 Helmet Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_greycat=G-2 Helmet Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_hd_sec=G-2 Helmet Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_sakurasun=G-2 Helmet Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_covalex=ORC-mkV Legs Covalex Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_cryastro=ORC-mkV Legs Cry-Astro Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_gld=ORC-mkV Legs Executive
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_greycat=ORC-mkV Legs Greycat Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_hd_sec=ORC-mkV Legs Hurston Edition
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_sakurasun=ORC-mkV Legs Sakura Sun Edition
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_08_01_01=Carbide Jacket
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_08_01_08=Carbide Jacket Buckthorn
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_08_01_10=Carbide Jacket Sandpiper
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_08_01_13=Carbide Jacket Outback
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_08_01_16=Carbide Jacket Bramble
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_09_01_10=Omnitrek Jacket Permafrost
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_09_01_11=Omnitrek Jacket Frost Point
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_09_01_16=Omnitrek Jacket Backwoods
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_09_01_20=Omnitrek Jacket Sandbar
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_11_01_08=Ridgely Jacket Mafic
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_11_01_10=Ridgely Jacket Wavelength
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_11_01_11=Ridgely Jacket Highland
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_11_01_16=Ridgely Jacket Grotto
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_01=Ambrose Helmet
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_13=Ambrose Helmet Onyx
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_15=Ambrose Helmet Calico
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_18=Ambrose Helmet Piston
  • item_Name_gys_jacket_01_01_01=Carnifex Armor Core
  • item_Name_gys_pants_01_01_01=Carnifex Armor Legs
  • item_Name_gys_undersuit_01_01_01=Deep-Space Undersuit
  • item_Name_gys_undersuit_01_01_11=Deep-Space Undersuit River Rock
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_04_01_01=Alban Shirt
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_04_01_02=Alban Shirt Sage
  • item_Name_hdh_shirt_04_01_03=Alban Shirt Greenwood
  • item_Name_kap_kap_light_armor_legs_01_01_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_legs_01_01_01
  • item_Name_kap_light_armor_arms_01_01_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_arms_01_01_01
  • item_Name_kap_light_armor_core_01_01_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_core_01_01_01
  • item_Name_kap_light_armor_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH – kap_light_armor_helmet_01_01_01
  • item_Name_mrai_boots_01_01_01=Mirai Racing Boots
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01=Mirai Racing Flight Suit\n
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01=Origin Racing Flight Suit
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01=Murray Cup Racing Flight Suit
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01=Star Kitten Racing Flight Suit
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01=Mirai Racing Helmet
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01=Origin Racing Helmet
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01=Murray Cup Racing Helmet
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01=Star Kitten Racing Helmet
  • item_Name_mrai_gloves_01_01_01=Mirai Racing Gloves
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_01_01_01=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Armored Flight Suit
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_01_01_02=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Armored Flight Suit Slate
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_01_01_03=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Armored Flight Suit Jungle
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_01_01_04=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Armored Flight Suit Alpine
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Helmet
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_02=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Helmet Slate
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_03=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Helmet Jungle
  • item_Name_nvs_pilot_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_04=OMNI-AFS-Sapphire Helmet Alpine
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_01
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_10,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_10
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_12,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_12
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_13,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_13
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_15,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_arms_01_01_15
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_01
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_10,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_10
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_12,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_12
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_13,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_13
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_15,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_core_01_01_15
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_01
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_10,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_10
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_12,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_12
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_13,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_13
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_15,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_helmet_01_01_15
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_01,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_01
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_10,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_10
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_12,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_12
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_13,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_13
  • item_Name_qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_15,P=PH – qrt_specialist_heavy_legs_01_01_15
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_arms_01_01_01=Calico Arms Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_arms_01_01_15=Calico Arms Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_core_01_01_01=Calico Core Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_core_01_01_15=Calico Core Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_helmet_01_01_01=Calico Helmet Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_helmet_01_01_15=Calico Helmet Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_helmet_02_01_01=Renegade Helmet Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_helmet_02_01_15=Renegade Helmet Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_legs_01_01_01=Calico Legs Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_light_legs_01_01_15=Calico Legs Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_arms_01_01_01=DustUp Arms Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_arms_01_01_13=DustUp Arms Firestarter
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_arms_01_01_15=DustUp Arms Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_core_01_01_01=DustUp Core Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_core_01_01_13=DustUp Core Firestarter
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_core_01_01_15=DustUp Core Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_01=DustUp Helmet Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_13=DustUp Helmet Firestarter
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_15=DustUp Helmet Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_legs_01_01_01=DustUp Legs Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_medium_legs_01_01_15=DustUp Legs Desert
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_black01=P8-AR “Blackguard” Rifle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_black01_short=P8-AR “BG” Rifle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_blue01=P8-AR “CitizenCon 2954” Rifle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_blue01_short=P8-AR “CC 54” RIfle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian=P8-AR Rifle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian_digi01=P8-AR “Metro Camo” Rifle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian_digi01_short=P8-AR “MC” Rifle
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian_mag=P8-AR Rifle Magazine (15 Cap)
  • item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_civilian_short=P8-AR Rifle
  • item_Nameksar_rifle_energy_01_red01=Karna “Brimstone” Rifle
  • item_Nameksar_rifle_energy_01_red01_short=Karna “BST” Rifle
  • item_Nameksar_shotgun_energy_01_red01=Devastator “Brimstone” Shotgun
  • item_Nameksar_shotgun_energy_01_red01_short=Devastator “BST” SG
  • item_Nameksar_smg_energy_01_red01=Custodian “Brimstone” SMG
  • item_Nameksar_smg_energy_01_red01_short=Custodian “BST” SMG
  • item_Namenone_smg_energy_01=Ripper SMG
  • item_Namenone_smg_energy_01_mag=Ripper SMG Battery (60 cap)
  • item_Namenone_smg_energy_01_short=Ripper SMG

Keys Added for itemdispenser:

  • itemdispenser_printing=Printing
  • itemdispenser_ready=Ready
  • itemdispenser_resetting=Resetting
  • itemdispenser_restocking=Restocking
  • itemdispenser_take_item=Please take item

Keys Added for items:

  • items_commodities_apoxygenite=Apoxygenite
  • items_commodities_apoxygenite_desc=Also commonly known as TXA (trifold explosive accelerant), apoxygenite is an odorless and tasteless chemical additive used in the production of explosives and in various industrial processes. Energetic and highly brisant, apoxygenite is an oxygen rich accelerant that is often added to more stable elements to increase their reaction rate.

Keys Added for lens:

  • lens_health_drug_type_adrenaline_abrv,P=Dx
  • lens_health_drug_type_coagulant_abrv,P=Hz
  • lens_health_drug_type_overdose_revival_abrv,P=Rs
  • lens_health_drug_type_painkiller_abrv,P=Rx
  • lens_health_drug_type_sedative_abrv,P=Sd
  • lens_health_drug_type_steroids_abrv,P=Sg

Keys Added for manufacturer:

  • manufacturer_DescKAP=Kilgore and Poole caters its armor and image to a high-end clientele. Criticized by some as prioritizing form over function, their eye-catching armor favors ease of movement and agility over heavy defense.
  • manufacturer_NameKAP=Kilgore and Poole

Keys Added for Maps:

  • Maps_LocationUnknown,P=Location unknown
  • Maps_Quantum_CalculatingRoute,P=Calculating…
  • Maps_Quantum_RouteStatsUnavailable,P=Current location unknown. Route information can’t be calculated.
  • Maps_Tooltips_InsufficientFuel,P=You do not have enough fuel to reach this target.
  • Maps_Tooltips_JumpTunnel,P=You can’t set routes inside jump tunnels.

Keys Added for mfd:

  • mfd_Emission_CS=Cross-Section Emissions
  • mfd_Emission_EM=Electro-Magnetic Emissions
  • mfd_Emission_IR=Infra-Red Emissions
  • mfd_config_group1=Add to Group 1
  • mfd_config_group2=Add to Group 2
  • mfd_config_group3=Add to Group 3
  • mfd_config_group4=Add to Group 4
  • mfd_fuel_Hydrogen=H2 Fuel
  • mfd_fuel_Quantum=QT Fuel
  • mfd_power_engineeringoverride=Engineering Override

Keys Added for mission:

  • mission_location_pyro_63=Stanton Gateway

Keys Added for pause:

  • pause_OptionsTargetingArrowDisplayMode=Vehicles – Targeting – Target Arrow Display Mode
  • pause_OptionsTargetingArrowDisplayModeBoth=Based on HUD and Head
  • pause_OptionsTargetingArrowDisplayModeHUD=Based on HUD
  • pause_OptionsTargetingArrowDisplayModeHead=Based on Head

Keys Added for PU:

  • PU_VENDOR03_M_BSG_Greet_IG_001_GruntAcknowledgement,P=(grunt acknowledgement)
  • PU_VENDOR04_F_BSG_Greet_IG_001_HeyThere,P=Hey there.

Keys Added for Pyro:

  • Pyro_Stanton_JPStation=Stanton Gateway
  • Pyro_Stanton_JPStation_desc=Situated at a strategic location near the Pyro-Stanton jump point, and considered by many to be the last bastion of civilization in the system, the Stanton Gateway provides shops and services to those traveling to and from the system. Visitors to the station can find a wide variety of amenities and stores including: Refueling, Restocking, Cargo Transfers, Supplies, Habs, and more.

Keys Added for Pyro1:

  • Pyro1_Outpost_col_s_mng_indy_001,P=Pyro1_Outpost_col_s_mng_indy_001
  • Pyro1_Outpost_col_s_mng_indy_001_desc,P=Pyro1_Outpost_col_s_mng_indy_001_desc

Keys Added for Pyro2:

  • Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_mng_otlw_001,P=Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_mng_otlw_001
  • Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_mng_otlw_001_desc,P=Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_mng_otlw_001_desc
  • Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001,P=Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001
  • Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001_desc,P=Pyro2_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_otlw_001_desc

Keys Added for Pyro3:

  • Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_indy_002,P=Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_indy_002
  • Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_indy_002_desc,P=Pyro3_Outpost_col_s_trdpst_indy_002_desc

Keys Added for Pyro4:

  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_indy_001,P=Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_indy_001
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_indy_001_desc,P=Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_indy_001_desc
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_otlw_001,P=Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_otlw_001 (Suggestion: New Anis)
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_otlw_001_desc,P=Pyro4_Outpost_col_m_trdpst_otlw_001_desc (Suggestion: New Anis)
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_mcr_test_indy_001,P=Pyro4_Outpost_col_mcr_test_indy_001
  • Pyro4_Outpost_col_mcr_test_indy_001_desc,P=A tiny non-descript Outpost; researching sub-terranean effects of Pyro’s unstable solar activity

Keys Added for rc:

  • rc_DeltaSignature_QuantumPowerup,P=Quantum Drive Powerup Detected
  • rc_DeltaSignature_ScanWave,P=Scan Wave Detected
  • rc_DeltaSignature_WeaponActivation,P=Weapon Activation Detected

Keys Added for repairship:

  • repairship_desc=My ship has broken down at ~mission(location) please help me
  • repairship_obj_001_long=Fix the broken ship components %ls
  • repairship_obj_001_short=Repair Ship
  • repairship_obj_002_long=Broken Down
  • repairship_obj_002_short=Go to ~mission(location)
  • repairship_title=Oh Ship

Keys Added for replaceparts:

  • replaceparts_desc=~mission(location) is in need of repairs. Please bring fuses along with you to repair the broken relays.
  • replaceparts_obj_001_long_001=Replace Fuses In Relays %ls
  • replaceparts_obj_001_long_002=Repair Pipe %ls
  • replaceparts_obj_001_long_003=Charge Batteries %ls
  • replaceparts_obj_001_short=Repair Location
  • replaceparts_obj_002_long=We need repairs m8
  • replaceparts_obj_002_marker_001=Replace Fuses In Relays
  • replaceparts_obj_002_marker_002=Repair Pipe
  • replaceparts_obj_002_marker_003=Charge Batteries
  • replaceparts_obj_002_short=Go to ~mission(location)
  • replaceparts_title=I Re-lay need your help!

Keys Added for RN:

  • RN_Allocated,P=Allocated
  • RN_CelsiusSymbol,P=°C
  • RN_ClearAll,P=Clear All
  • RN_Config,P=Config
  • RN_CoolantLoad,P=Coolant Load
  • RN_Coolant_Off,P=Off
  • RN_CoreSystems,P=Core Systems
  • RN_CriticalWarning_CoolerFailure,P=Cooler Failure
  • RN_CriticalWarning_FireDetected,P=Fire Detected
  • RN_CriticalWarning_PowerPlantFailure,P=Power Plant Failure
  • RN_CurrentConfig,P=Current config
  • RN_DeletePreset,P=Delete Preset?
  • RN_DiscardChanges,P=Discard Changes?
  • RN_EngineeringTerminal,P=Engineering Terminal
  • RN_ExclusiveControl,P=Exclusive Control
  • RN_Filters_Connections,P=Connections
  • RN_Filters_Critical,P=Critical
  • RN_Filters_Doors,P=Doors
  • RN_Filters_Items,P=Items
  • RN_Filters_Power,P=Power
  • RN_Filters_Rooms,P=Rooms
  • RN_Hydrogen,P=Hydrogen
  • RN_LifeSupportBalance,P=LS Balance
  • RN_LifeSupportNotInstalled,P=Life support not installed
  • RN_LifeSupport_Consumption,P=Consumed
  • RN_LifeSupport_Produced,P=Produced
  • RN_LifeSupport_Time,P=Time
  • RN_MaxPresetAmount_10,P=10
  • RN_NavMode,P=Nav Mode
  • RN_Notifications_Disabled,P=Disabled
  • RN_Notifications_Fixed,P=Fixed
  • RN_Notifications_ProblemDetected,P=Problem Detected
  • RN_Notifications_TimeAgo,P=Ago
  • RN_Notifications_Warning,P=Warning
  • RN_Offline,P=Offline
  • RN_PipIndicator_High,P=H
  • RN_PipIndicator_Low,P=L
  • RN_PowerManagementAndDistributionControls,P=: : Power Management & Distribution Controls : :
  • RN_PresetApplied,P=Preset Applied
  • RN_PresetDeleted,P=Preset Deleted
  • RN_PresetSaved,P=Preset Saved
  • RN_Presets_Add,P=Add new preset
  • RN_Presets_Apply,P=Apply Preset
  • RN_Presets_Delete,P=Delete
  • RN_Presets_Edit,P=Edit
  • RN_Presets_Revert,P=Revert
  • RN_Presets_Save,P=Save
  • RN_Presets_Title,P=Presets
  • RN_PreviewMode_Title,P=Preview Mode
  • RN_SavePreset,P=Save Preset?
  • RN_SupportSystems,P=Support Systems
  • RN_Warning_Damaged,P=WARNING: Damaged
  • RN_Warning_Destroyed,P=ALERT: Destroyed
  • RN_Warning_Distorted,P=ALERT: Distorted
  • RN_Warning_Meter_LoadHigh,P=WARNING: High Load
  • RN_Warning_Meter_Offline,P=ALERT: Offline
  • RN_Warning_Meter_Overload,P=ALERT: Overload
  • RN_Warning_NoPower,P=ALERT: No Power
  • RN_Warning_OverheatAutoShutOff,P=ALERT: Overheat Auto Shut Off
  • RN_Warning_Overheating,P=WARNING: Overheating
  • RN_coolingSystem,P=Cooling System
  • RN_diagnosticMode,P=DiagnosticMode
  • RN_disconnected,P=Disconnected
  • RN_isolateEngineering,P=Exclusive Mode
  • RN_powerManagement,P=Power Management
  • RN_releaseEngineering,P=Release Mode
  • RN_stat_atmosphere,P=Atmosphere
  • RN_stat_filter,P=Filter
  • RN_stat_health,P=Health
  • RN_stat_pressure,P=Pressure
  • RN_stat_temperature,P=Temperature
  • RN_stat_wearAndTear,P=Wear and Tear

Keys Added for ScienceGuild:

  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Area,P=TBD
  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Description,P=TBD
  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Focus,P=TBD
  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Founded,P=TBD
  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Headquarters,P=TBD
  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Leadership,P=TBD
  • ScienceGuild_RepUI_Name=Academy of Science

Keys Added for shop:

  • shop_name_lawlessshipdealer=Lawless Ship Dealer

Keys Added for SportsGuild:

  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Area,P=TBD
  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Description,P=TBD
  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Focus,P=TBD
  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Founded,P=TBD
  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Headquarters,P=TBD
  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Leadership,P=TBD
  • SportsGuild_RepUI_Name=Imperial Sports Federation

Keys Added for text:

  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_DeclarationDescription,P=I hereby authorize BiotiCorp to make the selected alterations to my appearance using the Calliope System. I understand that this process is completely voluntary and any issues that arise are not the responsibility of BiotiCorp or the UEE Navy.
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_DeclarationSign,P=Sign and Submit
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_DeclarationTitle,P=Informed Consent
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_SelectVoice,P=Select Voice
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_item_piercing_ball,P=Ball
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_item_piercing_pite,P=Pite
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_item_piercing_stud,P=Stud
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_none,P=None
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_piercing_region_eyebrows,P=Eyebrows
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_piercing_region_leftEar,P=Left Ear
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_piercing_region_mouth,P=Mouth
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_piercing_region_nose,P=Nose
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_piercing_region_rightEar,P=Right Ear
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_piercings,P=Piercings
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_stubble,P=Stubble
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_tattoos,P=Tattoos
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_tattoos_age,P=Age
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_tattoos_hueRotation,P=Hue
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_voice1,P=Voice 1
  • text_ui_charactercustomizer_voice2,P=Voice 2
  • text_ui_tags_EM1_close,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM1_open,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM2_close,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM2_open,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM3_close,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM3_open,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM4_close,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM4_open,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM5_close,P=
  • text_ui_tags_EM5_open,P=

Keys Added for TransportGuild:

  • TransportGuild_RepUI_Name=Interstellar Transport Guild

Keys Added for ui:

  • ui_MFD_View_Shields=Shields
  • ui_MFD_View_WeaponConfig=Weapon Config
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_cancel=Cancel (Drop)
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_place=Place
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_place_onCargoGrid=Place (In Cargo)
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_rotate=Rotate Preview
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_rotateRest=Reset Rotation
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_throw=Launch (Charge)
  • ui_controlhint_autoCargoTractorBeam_throwCharging=Launch
  • ui_controlhint_fire_gatherbeam=Fire (Gather)
  • ui_controlhint_fire_tractordetach=Fire (Detach)
  • ui_controlhint_shop_exit=Exit
  • ui_interactor_use_remote_turret_seat=Enter Remote Turret Seat
  • ui_map_terminal_button_view=View map
  • ui_map_terminal_download=Download map
  • ui_map_terminal_download_area_map,P=Download area map
  • ui_map_terminal_title_orison,P=Crusader Discovery Tours
  • ui_subtitle_speaker_name_end=]
  • ui_subtitle_speaker_name_start=[
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_engine_max,P=Engines – Set to Max (Hold)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_engine_min,P=Engines – Set to Min (Hold)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_shield_max,P=Shields – Set to Max (Hold)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_shield_min,P=Shields – Set to Min (Hold)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_weapon_max,P=Weapons – Set to Max (Hold)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_weapon_min,P=Weapons – Set to Min (Hold)
  • ui_v_ifcs_reset_gmeter_max=Reset Flight Accelerometer
  • ui_v_ifcs_reset_gmeter_max_desc=Resets the max endured Gs for the accelerometer.
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_emp=Weapon Presets – EMPs
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_emp_desc=Weapon Presets – EMPs
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns0=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 1
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns0_desc=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 1
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns1=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 2
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns1_desc=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 2
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns2=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 3
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns2_desc=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 3
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns3=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 4
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_guns3_desc=Weapon Presets – Guns Group 4
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_next_overflow=Weapon Presets – Next (Overflow)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_next_overflow_desc=Weapon Presets – Next (Overflow)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_prev_overflow=Weapon Presets – Previous (Overflow)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_prev_overflow_desc=Weapon Presets – Previous (Overflow)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_qid=Weapon Presets – QIDs
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_desc=Weapon Presets – QIDs
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_jammer=Weapon Presets – Quantum Jammers (short range)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_jammer_desc=Weapon Presets – Quantum Jammers (short range)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_pulse=Weapon Presets – Quantum Snares / Pulse (long range)
  • ui_v_weapon_preset_qid_pulse_desc=Weapon Presets – Quantum Snares / Pulse (long range)
  • ui_weapons_multi_Fracture_Success,P=Fracture Success

Keys Added for UI:

  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_CoHelm,P=Co Helm
  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_Comms,P=Communications
  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_Helm,P=Communications
  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_HoloGlobe,P=Holo Globe
  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_Science,P=Science
  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_Security,P=Security
  • UI_MF_Screen-Title_Tactical,P=Tactical
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_16_9,P=landscape (16:9)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_1_1,P=square (1:1)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_21_9,P=landscape-super-wide (21:9)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_32_9,P=landscape-double-widescreen (32:9)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_3_4,P=portrait (3:4)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_48_9,P=landscape-triple-widescreen (48:9)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_4_3,P=landscape-narrow (4:3)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_9_16,P=portrait tall (9:16)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_9_32,P=portrait-very-tall (9:32)
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_None,P=No tag detected
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_Tag_Title,P=Closest Aspect Ratio tag found:
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Aspect_Ratio_subtitle,P=Based on AspectRatioLibrary on the dropdown of the thing you are checking. If this isn’t selected, or the tag doesn’t exist in that file, it won’t be detected
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Background,P=Background
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Panel_H1,P=Panel H1
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Panel_H2,P=Panel H2
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Panel_Keyboard,P=Panel Keyboard
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Panel_Popup_Border,P=Popup Border
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Panel_V1,P=Panel V1
  • UI_MF_TestAssets_Panel_V2,P=Panel V2

Keys Added for vehicle:

  • vehicle_DescGRIN_STV=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nFocus: Transport\n\nGet ready to have some serious fun on the job with the STV from Greycat. This Sport Terrain Vehicle was built by pros for pros and features blazing speed and convenient built-in storage.
  • vehicle_DescRSI_Apollo_Medivac=Manufacturer: RSI\nFocus: Medical\n\nAlong with superior armor and dual missile racks, the 2948 Apollo Medivac model pays homage to the classic 2910 film, Astromedics: Back from the Brink, with livery that accurately recreates the headlining Kithara.
  • vehicle_NameRSI_Apollo_Medivac=RSI Apollo Medivac
  • vehicle_class_antiair=Anti-Air
  • vehicle_class_construction=Construction
  • vehicle_class_recovery=Recovery
  • vehicle_interactor_Extend,P=Extend
  • vehicle_interactor_Withdraw,P=Withdraw

Clear keys for @vehicle:

  • @vehicle_DescGRIN_STV=Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nFocus: Transport\n\nGet ready to have some serious fun on the job with the STV from Greycat. This Sport Terrain Vehicle was built by pros for pros and features blazing speed and convenient built-in storage.

Clear keys for ea:

  • ea_ui_frontend_GameType=Game Type
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesEnableMatchCycling,P=Enable Match Cycling
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesEnableTeamBalancing,P=Enable Team Balancing
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesEnableTeamSwitching,P=Enable Team Switching
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesRAndomizeMapOnMatchCycle,P=Randomize Map on Match Cycle
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesTargetScore,P=Target Score
  • ea_ui_frontend_RulesTimeLimit,P=Time Limit

Clear keys for FreightElevator:

  • FreightElevator_TransferingToHangar,P=Transferring to Hangar

Clear keys for hud:

  • hud_ActiveGroup,P=Active Group
  • hud_scanning_exterior_title=Exterior
  • hud_scanning_interior_title=Interior
  • hud_scanning_overview_title=Overview

Clear keys for HUD:

  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Batch_label,P=SHIP LOG – 2737SHD
  • HUD_Visor_DataDownload_DataPacket_Label,P=SNNCJ000344989_SJJHHAJ

Clear keys for item:

  • item_Desc_dmc_jacket_08_01_01,P=PH – dmc_jacket_08_01_01
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_01
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_13,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_13
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_15,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_15
  • item_Desc_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_18,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_18
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_13,P=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_15,P=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gsb_boots_08_01_17,P=The SafeCore boots are a soft-shelled offering from Grindstone intended to provide more flexibility while traversing in adverse conditions.
  • item_Desc_gys_jacket_01_01_01,P=PH – gys_jacket_01_01_01
  • item_Desc_gys_pants_01_01_01,P=PH – gys_pants_01_01_01
  • item_Desc_gys_undersuit_01,P=PH – gys_undersuit_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01
  • item_Desc_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01
  • item_Desc_slaver_light_armor_01_Shared=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\n\nDesigned to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_light_armor_01_arms=Designed to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_light_armor_01_core=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 4K µSCU \nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\nBackpack Compatibility: Light \n\nDesigned to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_light_armor_01_legs=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nCarrying Capacity: 2.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\n\nDesigned to be an EVA-compliant light combat suit, the Calico set is the perfect armor suit for infiltrators, snipers, thieves, basically anyone who likes to avoid kicking in doors. Built out of a combination of PAB3 armor and a custom helmet, it can help you weather some incoming fire without slowing you down.
  • item_Desc_slaver_light_armor_helmet_02=Item Type: Light Armor\nDamage Reduction: 20%\nTemp. Rating: -39 / 69 °C\n\nKastak Arm’s Renegade combat helmet is a light but durable infantry helmet designed for added protection and impact-reduction during in-atmosphere operations. Visor is AR crosshair compatible.
  • item_Desc_slaver_medium_armor_01_Shared=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C\n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Desc_slaver_medium_armor_01_arms=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C\n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Desc_slaver_medium_armor_01_core=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 7.5k µSCU \nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C \nBackpack Compatibility: Light & Medium \n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Desc_slaver_medium_armor_01_legs=Item Type: Medium Armor\nDamage Reduction: 30%\nCarrying Capacity: 4.5K µSCU\nTemp. Rating: -60 / 90 °C\n\nThe DustUp has your back if you’re looking to get into some trouble. The body plating is built off of the same CDS undersuit used by the UEE Marines, it adds reconstructed Omni-Role mkII pieces to give you solid protection against incoming fire, but the real gem is the modified helmet. That thing was built to withstand explosions, so it should totally protect you against some shots. The whole thing’s been reasonably tested against vacuum too, so you can feel free to EVA all you want without worrying about dying.
  • item_Desc_slaver_medium_armor_02_Shared=
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_arms_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_core_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_helmet_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_light_legs_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_arms_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_core_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_helmet_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_covalex,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_covalex
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_cryastro,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_cryastro
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_greycat,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_greycat
  • item_Name_cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_sakurasun,P=PH – cds_legacy_armor_medium_legs_01_01_sakurasun
  • item_Name_dmc_jacket_08_01_01,P=PH – dmc_jacket_08_01_01
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_01
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_13,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_13
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_15,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_15
  • item_Name_fta_medium_helmet_01_01_18,P=PH – fta_medium_helmet_01_01_18
  • item_Name_gys_jacket_01_01_01,P=PH – gys_jacket_01_01_01
  • item_Name_gys_pants_01_01_01,P=PH – gys_pants_01_01_01
  • item_Name_gys_undersuit_01_01_01,P=PH – gys_undersuit_01_01_01
  • item_Name_gys_undersuit_01_01_11,P=PH – gys_undersuit_01_01_11
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_01_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_03_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_04_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_01_05_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_01_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_03_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_04_01
  • item_Name_mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01,P=PH – mrai_flightsuit_helmet_01_05_01
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_heavy_core_01_01_crus,P=Defiance Core (Crusader Industries Variant)
  • item_Name_slaver_armor_heavy_legs_01_01_crus,P=Defiance Legs (Crusader Industries Variant)
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_01_01_02_core=Calico Core Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_01_arms=Calico Arms Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_01_core=Calico Core Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_01_legs=Calico Legs Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_02_01_02_core=Calico Core
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_02_arms=Calico Arms Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_02_core=Calico Core
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_02_legs=Calico Legs Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_helmet_01=Calico Helmet Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_helmet_01_01_02=Calico Helmet Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_helmet_02=Renegade Helmet Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_light_armor_helmet_02_01_02=Renegade Helmet Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_01_01_02_core=DustUp Core Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_01_arms=DustUp Arms Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_01_core=DustUp Core Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_01_legs=DustUp Legs Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_02_01_02_core=DustUp Core
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_02_arms=DustUp Arms Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_02_core=DustUp Core 
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_02_legs=DustUp Legs Desert
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_helmet_01=DustUp Helmet Tactical
  • item_Name_slaver_medium_armor_helmet_01_01_02=DustUp Helmet Desert

Clear keys for killallanimals:

  • killallanimals_desc_prev,P=We have a population issue on ~mission(Location) please find the following animals and help us reduce their population:\n~mission(Items|List)
  • killallanimals_title_prev,P=Exterminate Animals

Clear keys for text:

  • text_ui_tags_EM1_close=
  • text_ui_tags_EM1_open=
  • text_ui_tags_EM2_close=
  • text_ui_tags_EM2_open=
  • text_ui_tags_EM3_close=
  • text_ui_tags_EM3_open=
  • text_ui_tags_EM4_close=
  • text_ui_tags_EM4_open=
  • text_ui_tags_EM5_close=
  • text_ui_tags_EM5_open=

Clear keys for TransportGuild:

  • TransportGuild_RepUI_Name,P=WIP Transport Guild

Clear keys for ui:

  • ui_controlhint_shop_exit,P=Exit
  • ui_interactor_use_remote_turret_seat,P=Enter Remote Turret Seat
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_engine_max=Engines – Set to Max (Tap)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_engine_min=Engines – Set to Min (Tap)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_shield_max=Shields – Set to Max (Tap)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_shield_min=Shields – Set to Min (Tap)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_weapon_max=Weapons – Set to Max (Tap)
  • ui_v_capacitor_assignment_weapon_min=Weapons – Set to Min (Tap)

List of Key changed:

  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Intro_desc from Earning such accolades as ‘Imperial Finances’ Top 10 Shipping Companies’ and ‘Delivery Digest’s 2945’s Most Trusted Transport,’ Covalex is busier than ever. And that means more cargo going to more places. That’s where you come in. \n\nCovalex is looking for dependable and industrious pilots to join our expanding family. Do you have access to a ship that can hold ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers? Can you pass an Advocacy background check if required? Then a universe of opportunity is waiting for you. \n\nSimply complete an ‘Evaluation Trial’ by picking up a shipment of ~mission(Item) from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and successfully delivering it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).\n\nUpon satisfactory completion, you’ll be eligible to become part of Covalex Shipping’s vast network of independent transport specialists.\n\n\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n to Earning such accolades as ‘Imperial Finances’ Top 10 Shipping Companies’ and ‘Delivery Digest’s 2945’s Most Trusted Transport,’ Covalex is busier than ever. And that means more cargo going to more places. That’s where you come in. \n\nCovalex is looking for dependable and industrious pilots to join our expanding family. Do you have access to a ship that can hold ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers? Can you pass an Advocacy background check if required? Then a universe of opportunity is waiting for you. \n\nSimply complete an ‘Evaluation Trial’ by picking up a shipment of ~mission(Item) from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and successfully delivering it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address).\n\nUpon satisfactory completion, you’ll be eligible to become part of Covalex Shipping’s vast network of independent transport specialists.\n\n\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Rehire_desc from Hey,\n\nHave a bit of good news for you. Covalex recently finished an evaluation of our contractor pool, and decided to reconsider your status as a cargo hauler. To requalify, all you need is to successfully complete the following delivery.\n\nPick up ~mission(Item) from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and deliver it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). In order to complete this haul in a fast and efficient manner, you’ll need a ship that can haul ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers.\n\nHopefully everything goes smoothly so we can welcome you back to the team.\n\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nHave a bit of good news for you. Covalex recently finished an evaluation of our contractor pool, and decided to reconsider your status as a cargo hauler. To requalify, all you need is to successfully complete the following delivery.\n\nPick up ~mission(Item) from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and deliver it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). In order to complete this haul in a fast and efficient manner, you’ll need a ship that can haul ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) cargo containers.\n\nHopefully everything goes smoothly so we can welcome you back to the team.\n\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Scrap from Hello,\n\nThere’s some junk waiting at a freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for processing. I’ve confirmed that the containers won’t be bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\nMy mom would’ve loved this run. She’s one of those who thinks every scrapyard is filled with hidden treasures. Can’t even tell you how many hours I spent bored out of my mind following her around one. If that’s your thing, here’s a chance to actually make credits going to one.\n \n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hello,\n\nThere’s some junk waiting at a freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for processing. I’ve confirmed that the containers won’t be bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\nMy mom would’ve loved this run. She’s one of those who thinks every scrapyard is filled with hidden treasures. Can’t even tell you how many hours I spent bored out of my mind following her around one. If that’s your thing, here’s a chance to actually make credits going to one.\n \n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_Stanton_Interstellar from Hey,\n\nAny interest in doing the Stanton leg of an interstellar run? \n\nThere’s a haul of ~mission(Item) waiting in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller to be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). No need to take it any further than that. I’ve got someone else lined up to run it through the jump to its final destination. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nAny interest in doing the Stanton leg of an interstellar run? \n\nThere’s a haul of ~mission(Item) waiting in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller to be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) and delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). No need to take it any further than that. I’ve got someone else lined up to run it through the jump to its final destination. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_01 from Hello,\n\nNeed a contractor for a simple cargo haul going from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). At most the containers will be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) in size. Any chance you’re available to take care of it for us?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hello,\n\nNeed a contractor for a simple cargo haul going from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). At most the containers will be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) in size. Any chance you’re available to take care of it for us?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_02 from Hi,\n\nA freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) has some cargo that needs to be delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Another hauler backed out at the last minute because their ship couldn’t handle ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers, so you’d be doing me a big favor if you could take care of it. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi,\n\nA freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) has some cargo that needs to be delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Another hauler backed out at the last minute because their ship couldn’t handle ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers, so you’d be doing me a big favor if you could take care of it. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AToB_desc_03 from Hi,\n\nA new haul just popped up. Details are below, if you’re interested.\n\n1. Pick up cargo from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Max size will be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n2. Deliver to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi,\n\nA new haul just popped up. Details are below, if you’re interested.\n\n1. Pick up cargo from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Max size will be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n2. Deliver to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_ProcessedFood_Stanton2 from Hi, \n\nLooks like Orison needs another resupply of processed food and pressurized ice. They have this stuff on a standard delivery schedule but they just requested a shipment as soon as possible. \n\nAre you available to make the run? The stuff (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) is waiting to be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Should be a quick and easy run for you to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi, \n\nLooks like Orison needs another resupply of processed food and pressurized ice. They have this stuff on a standard delivery schedule but they just requested a shipment as soon as possible. \n\nAre you available to make the run? The stuff (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) is waiting to be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Should be a quick and easy run for you to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_RawOre_Stanton1 from Hey,\n\nA Hurston logistics manager at ~mission(Location|address) just requested priority pick up from their facility. Sounds like they struck a new vein of ore and need to make room for what they’re extracting.\n\nThe raw ore needs to be moved from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location) to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Will be containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. Sound like something you could handle? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nA Hurston logistics manager at ~mission(Location|address) just requested priority pick up from their facility. Sounds like they struck a new vein of ore and need to make room for what they’re extracting.\n\nThe raw ore needs to be moved from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location) to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Will be containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. Sound like something you could handle? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_RefinedOre_Stanton4 from Hi, \n\n~mission(Destination|address) needs a delivery of refined ore to keep their production lines humming. The cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) is ready and waiting for pick up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Any chance you’re available to collect and deliver it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination)?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi, \n\n~mission(Destination|address) needs a delivery of refined ore to keep their production lines humming. The cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) is ready and waiting for pick up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). Any chance you’re available to collect and deliver it to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination)?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_AtoB_desc_ScrapWaste_Stanton3 from Hey, \n\nThere’s a bunch of scrap and waste waiting at a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for sorting. I know ArcCorp started an initiative to reduce waste and recycle more scrap on planet, but I haven’t seen any decrease in these types of hauls from them yet.\n\nAre you available to move this batch of assorted junk (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) off-world for them? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey, \n\nThere’s a bunch of scrap and waste waiting at a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) for sorting. I know ArcCorp started an initiative to reduce waste and recycle more scrap on planet, but I haven’t seen any decrease in these types of hauls from them yet.\n\nAre you available to move this batch of assorted junk (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) containers or smaller) off-world for them? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_01 from Hi,\n\nOur data technicians strung a few runs together so you can pick up a new batch of cargo as you’re dropping some off which should make the run a lot more efficient. Have it arranged so you won’t have deal with any containers larger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). Here’s what the itinerary looks like: \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n to Hi,\n\nOur data technicians strung a few runs together so you can pick up a new batch of cargo as you’re dropping some off which should make the run a lot more efficient. Have it arranged so you won’t have deal with any containers larger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). Here’s what the itinerary looks like: \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_02 from Hello,\n\nLooks like the stars aligned perfectly for this run. There’s new cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) to pick up from each location where you’re making a drop. Here are the details if you’re interested. \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hello,\n\nLooks like the stars aligned perfectly for this run. There’s new cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) to pick up from each location where you’re making a drop. Here are the details if you’re interested. \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_LinearChain_desc_03 from Hey,\n\nOur data technicians really outdid themselves with the efficiency of this cargo run. Each drop off location has more cargo waiting to be picked up. And conveniently, there won’t be any containers bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\nIf you’re interested, best to grab this run before someone else does. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nOur data technicians really outdid themselves with the efficiency of this cargo run. Each drop off location has more cargo waiting to be picked up. And conveniently, there won’t be any containers bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\n~mission(LinearChainToken)\n\nIf you’re interested, best to grab this run before someone else does. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_Waste_Waste_Stanton1 from Hi,\n\nNeed the trash collected from a few Hurston locations and then taken to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Don’t worry, none of the containers are bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize).\n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nFun fact for you. Hurston is the only planet in Stanton that doesn’t separate their trash and scrap. One of their workers told me that the company did a cost-benefit analysis on it decades ago that determined it wasn’t worth putting a planet-wide system in place to facilitate it. Isn’t that the most Hurston thing ever? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi,\n\nNeed the trash collected from a few Hurston locations and then taken to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Don’t worry, none of the containers are bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize).\n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nFun fact for you. Hurston is the only planet in Stanton that doesn’t separate their trash and scrap. One of their workers told me that the company did a cost-benefit analysis on it decades ago that determined it wasn’t worth putting a planet-wide system in place to facilitate it. Isn’t that the most Hurston thing ever? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_01 from Hello!\n\nThere’s a load of cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) that needs to be delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). The only thing is that the cargo is spread across a few locations, which I’ve listed out below. \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nMakes no difference what order you grab the stuff, as long as it’s all delivered.\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hello!\n\nThere’s a load of cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) that needs to be delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). The only thing is that the cargo is spread across a few locations, which I’ve listed out below. \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nMakes no difference what order you grab the stuff, as long as it’s all delivered.\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_02 from Hey,\n\nHere’s an interesting one. ~mission(Destination|address) is expecting a few shipments (max container size of ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize)) so the data technicians bundled all the pick ups together. Here’s a list of the stops: \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nFeel free to do them in whatever order you want. Only thing that’s important is that all of them get delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination).\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nHere’s an interesting one. ~mission(Destination|address) is expecting a few shipments (max container size of ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize)) so the data technicians bundled all the pick ups together. Here’s a list of the stops: \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nFeel free to do them in whatever order you want. Only thing that’s important is that all of them get delivered to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination).\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_03 from Hi there,\n\nI’m in a bind and hoping you can help. A trusted hauler signed up for a run that needs to be delivered ASAP, but their ship junked out right when they were about to launch so I need someone to take over this run right away.\n\nIt’s all cargo ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) after being collected from a few locations, which I’ve listed below:\n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nThe delay has already caused issues at some of the pick up locations. They really need that cargo gone to free up space for new deliveries. Any chance you can collect everything above and deliver it as quick as possible?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi there,\n\nI’m in a bind and hoping you can help. A trusted hauler signed up for a run that needs to be delivered ASAP, but their ship junked out right when they were about to launch so I need someone to take over this run right away.\n\nIt’s all cargo ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller that needs to go to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address) after being collected from a few locations, which I’ve listed below:\n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nThe delay has already caused issues at some of the pick up locations. They really need that cargo gone to free up space for new deliveries. Any chance you can collect everything above and deliver it as quick as possible?\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_RawOre_Stanton1 from Hi,\n\nHurston is requesting that we prioritize pick ups from the local mining facilities to free up space for what they’re extracting. Here’s everywhere you need to go: \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nOnce collected, everything needs to get to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|Address). They’ve said that all the containers will be at most ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) in size. Sound like something you could handle? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n to Hi,\n\nHurston is requesting that we prioritize pick ups from the local mining facilities to free up space for what they’re extracting. Here’s everywhere you need to go: \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nOnce collected, everything needs to get to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|Address). They’ve said that all the containers will be at most ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) in size. Sound like something you could handle? \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_MultiToSingle_desc_ScrapWaste_Stanton3 from Hi there,\n\nThere’s a few sites on ArcCorp that need their waste and scrap collected (all boxes ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) and taken to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Doesn’t matter what order you do the run, as long as you grab it all. \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nYou know, my mom was a hauler who specialized in runs like this. It might not be the most glamorous stuff, but she claimed these runs had the best pay-to-risk ratio. Pirates never gave her any trouble when they found out what was on board. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi there,\n\nThere’s a few sites on ArcCorp that need their waste and scrap collected (all boxes ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) and taken to a freight elevator at ~mission(Destination|address). Doesn’t matter what order you do the run, as long as you grab it all. \n\nPICK UP LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(MultiToSingleToken)\n\nYou know, my mom was a hauler who specialized in runs like this. It might not be the most glamorous stuff, but she claimed these runs had the best pay-to-risk ratio. Pirates never gave her any trouble when they found out what was on board. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_01 from Hey,\n\nBased on feedback from some haulers, our data technicians have started organizing cargo runs that end with a drop off at the initial pick up site. Plus, they’ve made sure to cap the container size at ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). Got one here if you’re interested. \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.\n to Hey,\n\nBased on feedback from some haulers, our data technicians have started organizing cargo runs that end with a drop off at the initial pick up site. Plus, they’ve made sure to cap the container size at ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). Got one here if you’re interested. \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_02 from Hey there,\n\nGot a good run here. The itinerary includes a few stops with the last delivery bringing you back to where you do the first pick up. And there shouldn’t be anything bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) that you’lll need to deal with.\n\nHere are the specifics: \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey there,\n\nGot a good run here. The itinerary includes a few stops with the last delivery bringing you back to where you do the first pick up. And there shouldn’t be anything bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) that you’lll need to deal with.\n\nHere are the specifics: \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_RoundDelivery_desc_03 from Hi,\n\nAny chance you’re free? The hauler who usually handles this circuit is out sick. Nice thing about this run is that it ends at the same place it starts and there won’t be any containers bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\nLet me know if you can knock this out. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi,\n\nAny chance you’re free? The hauler who usually handles this circuit is out sick. Nice thing about this run is that it ends at the same place it starts and there won’t be any containers bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize). \n\n~mission(RoundDeliveryToken) \n\nLet me know if you can knock this out. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_Processed_Mixed_QTFuelHydroFuelShipAmmo from Hey,\n\nThe folks at ~mission(Location|address) have what I like to call a “pilot’s special” waiting to be distributed – a haul of quantum fuel, hydrogen fuel, and ship ammo. Load it up from a freight elevator and deliver it to the following spots in whatever order works best for you. Expect the containers to all be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nThe folks at ~mission(Location|address) have what I like to call a “pilot’s special” waiting to be distributed – a haul of quantum fuel, hydrogen fuel, and ship ammo. Load it up from a freight elevator and deliver it to the following spots in whatever order works best for you. Expect the containers to all be ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_Processed_Stims from Hi,\n\nThere’s a load of stims at ~mission(Location|address) ready to be picked up from a freight elevator and delivered to a few spots. They will be packaged up in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. Any chance you can knock this one out for me? \n\nDoesn’t matter what order you drop them off. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nGlad I never picked up the habit myself because I swear I get more delivery update requests for “where are my stims?!?” than any other kind of shipment. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi,\n\nThere’s a load of stims at ~mission(Location|address) ready to be picked up from a freight elevator and delivered to a few spots. They will be packaged up in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller. Any chance you can knock this one out for me? \n\nDoesn’t matter what order you drop them off. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nGlad I never picked up the habit myself because I swear I get more delivery update requests for “where are my stims?!?” than any other kind of shipment. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_RefinedOre from Hi there,\n\nThe refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a bunch of ~mission(Item) into containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller, and are looking to get it shipped out from a freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see which ones needed this stuff and was able to put together this run. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nShould be an easy run for you, if you’re free. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi there,\n\nThe refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a bunch of ~mission(Item) into containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller, and are looking to get it shipped out from a freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see which ones needed this stuff and was able to put together this run. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nShould be an easy run for you, if you’re free. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_01 from Greetings, \n\nSeems like ~mission(Location|address) currently has some ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller cargo that needs to be separated and delivered to a few different spots. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nDrop-offs can be done in whatever order works best for you. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Greetings, \n\nSeems like ~mission(Location|address) currently has some ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller cargo that needs to be separated and delivered to a few different spots. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nDrop-offs can be done in whatever order works best for you. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_02 from Hey, \n\nI’ve a multi-stop run here that needs to be done. Good news is that all of the cargo is ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller and can be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). The drop offs are spread across a few locations, but can be done in any order. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey, \n\nI’ve a multi-stop run here that needs to be done. Good news is that all of the cargo is ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller and can be picked up from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address). The drop offs are spread across a few locations, but can be done in any order. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_03 from Hello, \n\nInterested in knocking out a few runs at once? \n\nThere’s a load of cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) waiting at a freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to be delivered to the following spots:\n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nFeel free to route plan the drop-offs as you see fit.\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hello, \n\nInterested in knocking out a few runs at once? \n\nThere’s a load of cargo (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) waiting at a freight elevator in ~mission(Location|address) that needs to be delivered to the following spots:\n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nFeel free to route plan the drop-offs as you see fit.\n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_ProcessedFood_Stanton2 from Hi, \n\nThere’s a few Crusader facilities that need to be restocked with processed food and pressurized ice. Don’t know why but I’m always surprised when I see how much of this stuff they need delivered.\n\nAnyways, there’s a haul of containers no bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) waiting at ~mission(Location|address). Once you grab the goods from a freight elevator, these are the facilities where it needs to go:\n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hi, \n\nThere’s a few Crusader facilities that need to be restocked with processed food and pressurized ice. Don’t know why but I’m always surprised when I see how much of this stuff they need delivered.\n\nAnyways, there’s a haul of containers no bigger than ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) waiting at ~mission(Location|address). Once you grab the goods from a freight elevator, these are the facilities where it needs to go:\n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_RefinedOre_Mixed from Hey,\n\nThe refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a mix of refined ores and are looking to get the containers (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) shipped out from a freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see where this stuff is needed and was able to put together this run. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nShould be an easy run for you, if you’re free. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey,\n\nThe refinery at ~mission(Location|address) has been busy. They’ve processed a mix of refined ores and are looking to get the containers (~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller) shipped out from a freight elevator. I just checked with the LEOs to see where this stuff is needed and was able to put together this run. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken)\n\nShould be an easy run for you, if you’re free. \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: Covalex_HaulCargo_SingleToMulti_desc_RefinedOre_Stanton4 from Hey there,\n\nThere’s some refined ore in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller that needs to be moved from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to production facilities on microTech. You can plan the drop offs anyway you want. Doesn’t matter what order they get done as long as they get there. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered. to Hey there,\n\nThere’s some refined ore in containers ~mission(MissionMaxSCUSize) or smaller that needs to be moved from a freight elevator at ~mission(Location|address) to production facilities on microTech. You can plan the drop offs anyway you want. Doesn’t matter what order they get done as long as they get there. \n\nDROP OFF LOCATIONS (ANY ORDER)\n\n~mission(SingleToMultiToken) \n\n~mission(Contractor|SignOff)\n\nChase Hewitt\nJr. Logistics Coordinator\nCovalex Shipping \n’Anything you need, anywhere you need it.’\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nCovalex Shipping is a limited liability corporation. To encourage timely deliveries and prevent fraud on cargo hauls, Covalex Shipping will set a delivery time limit and upon expiration, any undelivered cargo will be considered stolen and treated as such. If you need to abandon your delivery, Covalex will provide a new drop off location for you to return the cargo. Not doing so will affect your reputation with the company. Total payment will be prorated according to the percentage of cargo successfully delivered.
  • Key changed: HUD_Visor_DataDownload_Widget_label,P from DATA TRANSFER > LOCAL STORAGE to Data transfer
  • Key changed: Tutorial01_Area18_JournalToken from Currently, you are in Area18, on ArcCorp, the third planet in the Stanton System – a great distance from Humanity’s origins in the Sol System. The four planets in the system are owned by megacorporations who each purchased a planet from the UEE and now govern their own region of space. They are: Hurston Dynamics, Crusader Industries, ArcCorp, and microTech. \n\n~mission(Location|Name) is the main commercial zone of the mega-city that sprawls across the surface of ArcCorp. From here, the tutorial will guide you to ~mission(Destination), the space station in orbit above the planet that can serve as your gateway to further exploration of the Stanton system. to Currently, you are in Area 18, on ArcCorp, the third planet in the Stanton System – a great distance from Humanity’s origins in the Sol System. The four planets in the system are owned by megacorporations who each purchased a planet from the UEE and now govern their own region of space. They are: Hurston Dynamics, Crusader Industries, ArcCorp, and microTech. \n\n~mission(Location|Name) is the main commercial zone of the mega-city that sprawls across the surface of ArcCorp. From here, the tutorial will guide you to ~mission(Destination), the space station in orbit above the planet that can serve as your gateway to further exploration of the Stanton system.
  • Key changed: ea_ui_frontend_specialevent_Halloween_Description from Compete in a spooky showdown this Day of the Vara as you battle against an army of the undead skeletons in Kill Collector (FPS). Surviving victors will be rewarded with a ghoulish Day of the Vara Challenge Coin. to Compete in a spooky showdown this Day of the Vara and battle against an army of undead skeletons in Kill Collector (FPS). Surviving victors will be rewarded with a ghoulish Day of the Vara Challenge Coin.
  • Key changed: ea_ui_modeBadgeLocked from Badge Locked to You haven’t completed all the achievements in this game mode
  • Key changed: hud_GimbalMode from Gimbal Mode to Gimbal
  • Key changed: hud_vehicle_weapon_preset_quantum_interdictors from QIs to QIGs
  • Key changed: item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_002_shared from Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 150 m\nFull Strength Distance: 75 m\n\nBacked by their certified Soft-Touch® guarantee, Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam, is a mainstay of its product catalogue thanks to its dependable range and control. to Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 150 m\nFull Strength Distance: 75 m\n\nBacked by their certified Soft-Touch® guarantee, Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam is a mainstay of its product catalogue thanks to its dependable range and control.
  • Key changed: item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_002_shared_UT1 from Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 130 m\nFull Strength Distance: 55 m\n\nThis heavy-duty variant of Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam sacrifices range in exchange for additional power to handle larger and heavier objects. As a result, the device is most commonly used in a variety of industrial applications where its added power makes it an essential tool. to Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 60°\nMax Range: 130 m\nFull Strength Distance: 55 m\n\nThis heavy-duty variant of Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam sacrifices range in exchange for additional power to handle larger and heavier objects making it an essential tool in a variety of industrial applications.
  • Key changed: item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_002_shared_UT2 from Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nMax Angle: 80°\nMax Range: 130 m\nFull Strength Distance: 55 m\n\nThis precision variant of Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam sacrifices some of the power and range of the base model in exchange for a wider angle of manipulation and greater tether grip, making it much harder to lose hold of an object. This precision makes this model an essential tool for any enterprise that requires careful handling. to Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nMax Angle: 80°\nMax Range: 130 m\nFull Strength Distance: 55 m\n\nThis precision variant of Greycat’s SureGrip tractor beam sacrifices some of the power and range of the base model in exchange for a wider angle of manipulation and greater tether grip, allowing for careful handling of more delicate goods.
  • Key changed: item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_003_shared from Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 80°\nMax Range: 135 m\nFull Strength Distance: 50 m\n\nThe ViseLock Tractor Beam is an evolution of Greycat’s industry-standard tech, with added improvements specifically intended to help security forces restrain their targets. In its design, Greycat sacrificed some hold strength at greater distances to achieve a more powerful tether that is harder to escape. to Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Tractor Beam\nMax Angle: 80°\nMax Range: 135 m\nFull Strength Distance: 50 m\n\nThe ViseLock tractor beam is an evolution of Greycat’s industry-standard tech, with added improvements specifically intended to help security forces restrain their targets. In its design, Greycat sacrificed some hold strength at greater distances to achieve a more powerful tether that is harder to escape.
  • Key changed: item_DescGRIN_TractorBeam_004_S3 from Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Towing Beam\nMax Angle: 160°\nMax Range: 250 m\nFull Strength Distance: 200 m\n\nThe safe and secure choice of recovery teams across the empire, the SafeTow towing beam from Greycat Industrial boasts enough strength, power, and control to transport both heavy cargo and entire vehicles across the ‘verse. to Manufacturer: Greycat Industrial\nItem Type: Towing Beam\nMax Angle: 160°\nMax Range: 250 m\nFull Strength Distance: 200 m\n\nThe safe and secure choice of recovery teams across the empire, the SafeTow towing beam from Greycat Industrial boasts enough strength, power, and control to transport both heavy cargo and vehicles across the ‘verse.
  • Key changed: item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02 from Manufacturer: Behring \nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 30\nRate Of Fire: 600 rpm\nEffective Range: 60 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nBuilt to be the standard issue assault rifle of UEE Marines, the Behring P8-AR excels in its dependability and straightforward operation to allow you to focus on the fight at hand. to Manufacturer: Behring \nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 30\nRate Of Fire: 600 rpm\nEffective Range: 60 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nBuilt to be the standard issue weapon of UEE Marines, the Behring P8-ARM excels in its dependability and straightforward operation to allow you to focus on the fight at hand.
  • Key changed: item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02_mag from Item Type: Magazine\nCapacity: 30\n\nThis magazine for the Behring P8-AR rifle comes pre-loaded with thirty 7.62mm rounds. to Item Type: Magazine\nCapacity: 30\n\nThis magazine for the Behring P8-ARM rifle comes pre-loaded with thirty 7.62mm rounds.
  • Key changed: item_Descbehr_rifle_ballistic_02a from Manufacturer: Behring\nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 30\nRate Of Fire: 600 rpm\nEffective Range: 60 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nBuilt to be the standard issue assault rifle of UEE Marines, the Behring P8-AR excels in its dependability and straightforward operation to allow you to focus on the fight at hand. to Manufacturer: Behring\nItem Type: Assault Rifle\nClass: Ballistic\n\nMagazine Size: 30\nRate Of Fire: 600 rpm\nEffective Range: 60 m\n\nAttachments: Optics (S2), Barrel (S2), Underbarrel (S2)\n\nBuilt to be the standard issue weapon of UEE Marines, the Behring P8-ARM excels in its dependability and straightforward operation to allow you to focus on the fight at hand.
  • Key changed: item_NameSHLD_ASAS_S01_Obscura from Ascension Astro Obscura to Obscura
  • Key changed: item_NameZeus_Paint_Halloween2024_Blood from Zeus Purple Haze Livery to Zeus MK II Purple Haze Livery
  • Key changed: item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02 from P8-AR Rifle to P8-ARM Rifle
  • Key changed: item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_mag from P8-AR Rifle Magazine (30 cap) to P8-ARM Rifle Magazine (30 cap)
  • Key changed: item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02_short from P8-AR Rifle to P8-ARM Rifle
  • Key changed: item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02a from P8-AR Rifle to P8-ARM Rifle
  • Key changed: item_Namebehr_rifle_ballistic_02a_short from P8-AR Rifle to P8-ARM Rifle
  • Key changed: killallanimals_desc,P from ~mission(Contractor|KillAnimalsDesc) to We have a population issue on ~mission(Location) please find the following animals and help us reduce their population:\n~mission(Items|List)
  • Key changed: killallanimals_title,P from ~mission(Contractor|KillAnimalsTitle) to Exterminate Animals
  • Key changed: ui_controlhint_fire_miningbeam from Fire (Toggle) to Fire (Mine)
  • Key changed: ui_controlhint_fire_tractorbeam from Fire (Toggle) to Fire (Traverse)

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