… or should I say Argonauts? Like the rest of the community (dare I say the world?) I’ve been transfixed by the results of this years Ship Showdown. I’m as excited about Argo world domination as anyone… truly it has earned the title of MVMPUV (Most Valuable Multi-Purpose Utility Vehicle)… but the broader results are honestly even more fascinating. As we lock in the final four the story is the same again and again: support ships are beating badass fighting platforms. That should tell you there’s something special about the game that allows such ships to thrive and the community that clearly appreciates it.
In honor of the grand contest, the first of our features this month is a collection of mini-Whitley’s Guide articles covering the ships that made it into the final four: the 600i Explorer, C2 Hercules, Argo MPUV, and Mercury Star Runner.