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Star Citizen | Roadmap Roundup – October 26, 2022

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

Every two weeks, we accompany the Roadmap update with a brief explanatory note to give you insight into the decision-making that led to any changes. This is part of an effort to make our communications more transparent, more specific, and more insightful for all of you who help to make Star Citizen and Squadron 42 possible.

With that said, let’s go ahead and dive into this week’s Roadmap Roundup!

-CIG Community Team

Notable Changes for October 26, 2022

With this publish, we’ve extended the majority of the downstream teams’ schedules into Q4 2022, with the few remaining coming in a subsequent publish.

Alpha 3.18

In last week’s This Week In Star Citizen post, we mentioned that our next major update, Alpha 3.18, has begun testing with our Evocati group, with our next test aiming to go out later this week.

As we mentioned, after evaluating data from our recent Evocati test, we’re targeting early December for a live release. This update will not impact IAE which will now release in Alpha 3.17.4 patch. This has been reflected on Release View with this publish.

Additionally, as the Drake Corsair is due to release during IAE, we’re moving its card on Release View from 3.18’s column to 3.17.

Release View

The following card has been added to Release View:

Greycat STV
Building, implementing, and balancing Greycat Industrial’s utility ground vehicle, the STV, as a game-ready vehicle.

The following cards have passed their final review for Alpha 3.18. Therefore, we are changing their status to Committed:

New Rivers in Stanton
Setting up biome-specific object rulesets around bodies of water and distributing those by placing additional rivers and lakes on microTech and Hurston.

Sand Cave Archetype
Establishing the visual language, creation pipeline, and quality standard for a new sand cave archetype. With this release, cave networks using this archetype will be placed throughout the Stanton system.

Security Post Kareah Reactivation
Security Post Kareah will take a more central role in Stanton’s security. Crusader Security has moved in full-time staff and has begun storing confiscated contraband aboard. Unless given prior authorization, the station will be off-limits to all civilians.

New Missions – Orison
Bounty, Assassinate, Clear All, and other missions to take place on the platforms created for Siege of Orison, which, in future, will be distributed across the planet of Crusader to create further content.

That’s all for this week!


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