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[TECH-PREVIEW Playtest] Meshing Efficiency Playtest

Heya Star Citizen Testers!

Starting today at 19:00 UTC (2pm CDT) we will be running a 2-5 hour playtest (Depending on new hardware stability) on the TECH-PREVIEW channel to test a more efficient hardware setup with a slightly lower amount of players per VM!

Test Instructions

For the meshing TECH-PREVIEW, do not try to join PYRO as this will brick your account until your recopy. This test is for Stanton only

This test will have each Stanton shard split into 3 authoritative zones for about 200 total players each mesh.

We are mainly looking for server performance and will be running an older 3.22.x build for A/B testing compared to the previous meshing tests we have run. We will be doing many server captures over the length of the test to gather performance data.

During the test, missions may not function completely (leaving an authority zone may abandon missions) so you may have to avoid them, but otherwise, play as normal! Spread out around Stanton’s moon’s and planets, run cargo, dogfight.
As this is an older build, we are not looking for bug reporting on gameplay issues unless they are very specific to server issues

Audience: All Backers
Build: sc-alpha-322-tp-9211082
Server Info: US Region Only – PU Only
Times: Test will run approx. 2-5 hours starting at 1900 UTC | 2pm CDT

Known Meshing Issues

  • SERVER MESHING SPECIFIC – Stanton Split – Subdivision – Game code / Vehicles – Unexpectedly getting dropped out of QT when Quantum travelling to different locations – Repro 100%
  • SERVER MESHING SPECIFIC – Stanton Split – Subdivision – Game code / UI – Missions wont be accepted if they are located on a different DGS – Repro 100%

Thank you all so much for your help in testing these new and exciting tech updates!


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