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This Week in Star Citizen 24/2024

Happy Monday, everyone!

June is always one of our favorite months, as it’s brimming with festivities both in and out of the ’verse! June is also a time to embrace love, inclusivity, and the beautiful kaleidoscope of colors that define our community, and what better way to celebrate this vibrant diversity than with our annual Show Us Your Colors Celebration? We’re inviting you to express your creativity by baking a cake, making a video, crafting Star Citizen-related tchotchkes, creating digital art, or taking screenshots. Whatever your medium of choice is, make your submission as colorful as possible, and you might even win a Crusader C1 Spirit with the Allegiant paint!

Last weekend, our friends at ATMO Esports teamed up with Avenger Squadron to host AVS Flight for Kids, a charity initiative benefiting SickKids Hospital. The tournament was an astounding showcase of dogfighting skills and a massive success for a worthy cause: Over $26,000 were raised for Gamers Outreach and SickKids! The Star Citizen community continues to lead the way as one of the most welcoming and supportive groups out there, and we’re incredibly proud of the work you have done here. We would also like to shout out the tournament winners: The “Omelette Squadron”: Waterpatate, Terada, ChatDuChaos. Second place goes to “Next Patch” counting Myre, SpaceCutlet, and Gabiz. Third and honorable place to the team “Star Noodles”, composed of Tom Beckhauser, Herbizida, and LeezieBee. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported the event!

We also had the pleasure of sending the team to Lyon, France, for an epic Bar Citizen event, one of the most recent stops of our Bar Citizen World Tour. Merci Lyon for the incredible hospitality, and for organizing this event, which brought the French-speaking community together again!

June also brings us Alien Week, in honor of First Contact Day, starting this Wednesday! Alongside a plethora of alien-themed content, this weekend, we’re hosting our annual International Bar Citizen Weekend events near all of our studios: Los Angeles, Austin, Montreal, Manchester, and Frankfurt. So join fellow citizens and CIG developers for a weekend of camaraderie, cold beverages, and Star Citizen talk. We can’t wait to hang out with you, and we’ve got plenty of goodies to give away! For details of events near you, check out last week’s Spectrum Announcement.

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

On Monday, find the answers to some of your burning questions about the latest Drake concept ship in the Ironclad Q&A.

Tuesdays lore offering will be a short story entitled Divestment. On divestment day for Essosouli Njo, Jaclyn, a Human indentured to their souli, nervously awaits her fate.

Wednesday will see the start of Alien Week 2954, with festivities both in and out of the ’verse. We’ll also publish our bi-weekly Roadmap Update and the complementary Roadmap Roundup.

This week’s Star Citizen Live is ‘Making Ship Up IV-2.’ Yes, this Friday, Alberto and Dan are back to showcase the next phase of concept development: processing feedback from the bosses when they want more than the very first thing you show them. That’s Gamedev! You can tune in to Twitch at 15:00 UTC / 8 am Pacific to find out what happens next.

Fly low, and fly fast!

Freyja Vanadis
Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024

  • This Week in Star Citizen
  • Drake Ironclad Q&A

TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024

  • Lore Post – Divestment


  • Roadmap Update
  • Roadmap Roundup
  • Alien Week 2954 commences!

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024


  • International Bar Citizen Weekend


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