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This Week in Star Citizen 27/2024

Hello everyone, xē’suelen

We hope you’re having a stellar start to your week! On our side, the team is focused on Star Citizen Alpha 3.24 and beyond, recently completing a short playtest with our Evocati test group to collect early feedback. We’ll spin up more playtests soon, so keep a close eye on Spectrum for updates. We’re looking forward to opening up Alpha 3.24 to more testers, so that all of you can dive in and explore new features such as personal and instanced hangars, cargo-hauling missions, freight elevators, storage access, and more!

Looking back at last week, Inside Star Citizen provided insights into how the Level Design team blends gameplay elements with environments to create cohesive experiences. If you want to learn more, make sure to give it a watch!

For lore lovers like me, the Narrative team published loads of exciting new details in their latest Galactapedia update. Energy shields, scanners, cryopods, and the Krēl system just to name a few!

Lastly, we’d like to shine a bright spotlight on our vibrant community in Asia, where we recently had the pleasure of attending two unforgettable events. First, our team traveled to Taipei for an incredibly immersive Bar Citizen (the decor was awesome!). There, we were treated to a handful of excellent presentations, including a live demonstration and tutorial by Morphologis, a racing tournaments that had us all on the edge of our seats (and screaming at the top of our lungs), and even some lively singalongs of pirate shanties courtesy of Drake Interplanetary.

Then, last Saturday, we had the privilege of connecting with our community in Shenzhen, China, at their largest gathering yet (over 2,000 attendees!). We participated in a lively Q&A session, enjoyed a variety of tournaments, giveaways, cosplay, and much more. Events like these, especially on the opposite side of the globe, serve as a powerful reminder of the diversity and global reach of our community. What’s most inspiring is that our shared passion for the universe we are building transcends all language and cultural barriers – whether you’re in Shenzhen, France, Antarctica (you never know) or anywhere else on the planet, a Bar Citizen event always feels like home among like-minded pilots.

Keep a close eye on our social media channels – now that we’re back home, we’re going to start sharing loads of pictures and videos from both events soon!

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

Today, we are thrilled to announce our newest collaboration with MTSIM on their exciting Flight Sim Chair project. Fans of RSI, Anvil, and Mirai will find today’s announcement particularly exciting. Be sure to visit the official page to explore the chairs, their features, and more details!

Tuesday, return to Stanton’s secret drug labs with Jumptown: pillage and plunder! Subscribers will also receive July’s updates in both comm-link and newsletter forms.

Wednesday brings development updates, with June’s Monthly Reports for Star Citizen (Comm-Link) and Squadron 42 (Newsletter).

This Thursday, Inside Star Citizen invites the UK Networking team to discuss all those big Tech Preview tests from the last eight months, including how they went, what they learned, and how they’re moving forward on our journey to Alpha 4.0. It’s Dev Diary: Server Meshing!

On Friday’s Star Citizen Live, Jorrit and Nick return to play the new cargo mission they created on last week’s show. Don’t forget to submit your questions for consideration on the Spectrum thread. The show starts at 8 am Pacific / 15:00 UTC on Twitch. You’ll also find our weekly RSI Newsletter in your inbox.

Lénaïc “Nicou” Riédinger
Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024

  • This Week in Star Citizen
  • MTSIM x CIG Flight Chairs


  • Jumptown 2.1
  • July Subscriber Comm-Link
  • July Subscriber Newsletter


  • Star Citizen Monthly Report – June 2024
  • Squadron 42 Monthly Report Newsletter – June 2024


FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2024


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