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This Week in Star Citizen 48/2023

Xē’suelen, hi everyone!

As the sun sets on yet another exhilarating Intergalactic Aerospace Expo, we’d like to thank everyone who came from every corner of the galaxy to experience this year’s event. Fly safe, whatever your destination may be, and we’ll see you in 2954. You can relive all the excitement with a copy of your very own official IAE event program.

Experiencing post-IAE blues? You can take comfort in knowing that Alpha 3.22 launched to the PTU for Wave 1 players and will open to more audiences soon! Additionally, we will kick off the celebrations with Luminalia next week, and we have some fantastic stuff planned for you for this year’s holiday season!

Last week, you dove into two of our major events: Jumptown, the infamous “hidden” drug lab and the bloody conflict that rages there, and Siege of Orison, an action-heavy adventure that has turned the once-idyllic city of Orison into a nightmare. Siege of Orison continues through December 7 at 16:00 UTC, and you could expect a return of Jumptown in the near future; Join the fun!

Also published last week, you can now experience the full Day 1 of CitizenCon 2953 as it was broadcasted from the LA Convention Centre, in a 5h30 long video! This includes the presentations and all the goodies in-between. Day 2 will be published on Friday.

The filthiest race in the ‘verse is back! The action-packed Daymar Rally returns and you can sign-up now. If you have never participated in this fully community-organized event, you won’t want to miss it. Whether you’re wheels on the ground, or just enjoying from Twitch Chat, don’t miss it!

And lastly, we had a blast at two Bar Citizens events over the weekend! Thanks to everyone who attended the event organised by FlahSmash in Dublin, Ireland, and the Virtual Bar Citizen put on by the great folks at Sol Citizens! That’s a wrap for the Bar Citizen World Tour for 2023, but as a reminder, we’re looking to hear from you on where we should visit in 2024!

Now, let’s see what’s going on this week:

This Tuesday, we’ll publish the Subscriber Monthly Newsletter and Subscriber Comm-Link. We’ll also have an exciting update to the Subscriber Program!

Thursday, our weekly episode of Inside Star Citizen will focus on Structural Salvage: a feature coming in our future Alpha 3.22 Patch. We’re also planning to publish a Q&A for the new concept RSI Arrastra, to answer your main questions about this upcoming multicrew mining ship!

On Friday, there will be no Star Citizen Live as our teams are working hard to offer Alpha 3.22 Live to everyone before the holidays break. You will, however, receive our weekly RSI Newsletter and we will publish a Patch Watch to highlight some of the new features and improvements our teams are working on that don’t appear on the Public Roadmap.

a.thl’ē’kol, see you soon,

Lénaïc “Nicou” Riédinger

Community Manager

The Weekly Community Content Schedule


  • This Week in Star Citizen


  • November Subscriber Newsletter
  • November Subscriber Comm-link
  • Subscriber Program update



  • Patch Watch
  • Weekly Newsletter

Arena Commander Experimental Mode Schedule

Get ready for some explosive adventures as this week’s game mode selection offers: Single Weapon Elimination: PvP elimination with a Railgun + Mirror Match: Dual best-of-three dogfighting matchup using the same loadouts on the Mirai Fury!

December 3 – December 10 ► Single Weapon Elimination (Railgun) & Mirror Match

December 10 – December 17 ► Gun Rush & Tank Royale


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