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Star Citizen Alpha 3.17.0t PTU.8039369 Patch Notes

Alpha Patch 3.17.0t has been released to the PTU, and is now available to test! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.17.0-PTU.8039369.

It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER and Shader folders for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\PTU. The Shader folders can be found here C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Star Citizen.

Current Audience: All Waves
Database Reset: No
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Pledge Copy: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 15,000,000

Please monitor sc-testing-chat in spectrum for updates and testing instructions.
USER.cfg settings: r_displaySessionInfo = 1

Testing Focus

3.17 contains new streaming changes that we are testing on the PTU and players may experience infinite loading or very long load times along with possible missing assets in game such as elevators or ships not streaming in. We are updating and fixing these issues as we find them and each new build will hopefully address these more and more.

  • Ship Positional Desync Test

In 3.17.0 we have put in a networking update that should reduce ship to ship desync. We would like to know how well this update works and if there are any observable knock-ons. Relative to 3.16, you should feel as though the facing direction and position of other player ships are much more accurate and real time. We have created a feedback thread in spectrum so please let us know about any potential issues with this that could include ship jittering, rubberbanding, jittering, and other effects of that nature.

Due to recent improvements on desync we have uncovered hitreg bugs which we likely cannot resolve for 3.17. In the direction of the velocity vector the collision shape of a ship will be slightly in front of visual model (the exact offset is velocity dependent). There is currently no work-around so avoid hovering inside the velocity vector of another ship and lead your shots a bit more during combat.

  • MISC Hull-A
  • Lorville Hospital and Space Station Clinic Variations
  • River
  • Coffee Shop Vendor
  • Ship-to-Ship Refueling
  • Mining Gadgets
  • Shopping and Selling T0
  • Ship and Ship Components Inventory Updates
  • Player Injury Updates
  • DNA Head Texture Updates

Known Issues

  • The Extraction Laser picks up more Shards than it can Collect at once, causing them to collide and be thrown
  • Turret acceleration changes have been reverted to pre-3.17.0 while we work on rebalancing and will be coming back in a future release
  • Players cannot buy components directly into ship storage (will be coming later in the PTU cycle)
  • AR Markers are present when opening the mobiGlas which can make it hard to read
  • Ships can explode after players exit them
  • Many mineable asteroids can’t be scanned
  • While docked to a Starfarer the Valkyrie will continuously tilt instead of remaining stationary
  • Attempting to log back into a ship bed may result in a long loading screen before being sent back to the Main Menu w/ Error 30009
  • Equipment in inventory doesn’t equip properly to character and bounces back into inventory
  • Ship retrieval can time out and place a ship in a claim state
  • AI Combat Ships can jitter during PvE combat
  • Equipment loadout stuck and remains highlighted grey
  • Items do not immediately transfer from loot crate to personal inventory

Feature Updates


  • Tweaked injury triggers to be slightly more aggressive

Bug Fixes

  • Large hangars should no longer be missing collisions
  • HUD element Inner Thought prompts should no longer interfere with the Talon, 85X, and 890 Jump MFDs
  • Players should now be able to destroy AI Caterpillars and correctly receive mission credit
  • S5 Torpedoes should no longer prematurely detonate before reaching max lock-on range
  • Fixed an issue that was causing mining gadgets to constantly blink when not attached to a rock
  • Fixed an issue where Mustang variants ran out of boost too quickly


  • Fixed 1 Client Crash
  • Fixed 1 Server Crash
  • Good Doctor Map crash on load fix
  • Fixed 1 Server Deadlock

Patch News

Patch Watch


New ship & vehicle

Patch List





3.17.1 EVOCATI

3.17.1 OPEN PTU

3.17.1 LIVE

3.17.2 EVOCATI

3.17.2 PTU WAVE 1

3.17.2 PTU WAVE 2


3.17.2 LIVE

3.17.2 PTU OPEN

3.17.2 LIVE

3.17.3 EVOCATI

3.17.3 PTU WAVE 2

3.17.3 LIVE

3.17.4 PTU OPEN

3.17.5 PTU WAVE 1

3.17.5 LIVE


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